Montana GreenPower
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Other Renewables
Green Power
Products & Services

Learn about NorthWestern Energy's Universal Systems Benefit (USB) fund, which encourages renewable energy projects that use environmentally friendly - or "green" - technologies to generate electricity. More...

Also find out how many USB-funded projects have been installed, and where!

A partnership of Montana businesses, non-profit groups, and government agencies participates in the Million Solar Roofs Initiative. More ...

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Sign up to receive regular updates on renewable energy news in Montana. Just add your name and e-mail address to our list of News & Notes subscribers.

Explore these pages to learn what's happening in solar, wind and other renewable energy technologies in Montana. You'll find the latest renewable energy news, information on planning and designing your own solar, wind and micro-hydro systems, activities for the classroom, updates on utility restructuring, and links to other useful sites.

Other Renewables
Green Power

Project Sponsors

NCAT would like to offer sincere thanks to the following sponsors, whose financial support makes this website possible:

Fanwood Foundation


Solar Energy Star Homes
provides cash rebates and technical assistance to encourage both energy efficiency and solar in new home construction.


Energy Legislation
Learn about state and federal energy-related legislation

Tax credits and rebates for new home construction

Question of the Week:
How do I measure the wind resource on my land?

Case Study of the Month
Learn about RE projects around the state and region

Montana Utilities
Most Montana utilities provide information on saving energy and several offer net metering.

Energize Montana
A DEQ website that provides information on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Energy Savers

A DOE website focusing on energy conservation, renewable energy, and energy-smart and alternative-fuel vehicles.

E-News Sheets Deliver Green Energy Updates
Stay informed with these electronic newsletters that bring the latest green energy news to your desktop.

Financing Solar Energy
Montanans looking for help in financing a solar energy system have lots of choices, including loans, tax breaks, and grants.

Montana Renewable 
Energy Association

MREA was established as a nonprofit corporation to support development of renewable energy in Montana.

Read our online monthly newsletter!

Teachers ...
Check our list of educational resources for renewable energy.

Definitions of key renewable energy and electrical terms.


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Montana Green Power

National Center for Appropriate Technology
(406) 494-4572
Toll free 1-800-275-6228 (ASK-NCAT)
Fax (406) 494-2905

Paid for by customers of NorthWestern Energy
Web architecture and marketing by Internet Navigating