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“Strengthening our Food and Agricultural Economy”

You can help build a Montana-based food system

Organizations can become a Grow Montana ally

Individuals can sign-up for the Montana Food and Agriculture listserv to stay posted on ways to be involved in developing Montana’s food system.

About Montana's FoodCorps

Frequently Asked Questions

The Food CorpsWhat do FoodCorps members do?
FoodCorps members create and develop farm to cafeteria programs in local schools and colleges. Through farm to cafeteria programs, schools and colleges buy locally-grown food in order to strengthen Montana’s agricultural economy, while also serving healthy, delicious food to students. Daily activities may include any (or all!) of the following: organizing staff tours to area farms, presenting program updates to school boards, writing and disseminating press releases, creating or updating websites or social networking sites, or planning Montana-grown meal events. Each FoodCorps volunteer works closely with an on-site supervisor and with fellow FoodCorps members to create meaningful and achievable goals for the year, and to brainstorm creative ways to achieve them. Through interactive trainings, FoodCorps volunteers learn the ins and outs of Montana's food system, meet a diverse array of food system leaders and professionals, and sharpen their community organizing skills.

Who can I talk to for more information?
FoodCorps coordinator Crissie McMullan will be happy to share more.
Contact her at, or at 406-531-5162.

You may also contact any of the current FoodCorps volunteers:
Emily Baker
Salish Kootenai College
(406) 275-4941
Lianna Bishop
The University of Montana—Missoula
(406) 243-4042
Lyra Leigh-Nedbor
Montana State University—Bozeman
(845) 380-0871
work email:
work phone: (406) 994-6775.
Kevin Moore
Grow Montana Policy Intern
Farm to Cafeteria Connections
(406) 865-0436
Lauren Amato
Missoula County Public Schools
(860) 614-8097
Marlee Ostheimer
Gallatin Valley Farm to School
(406) 274-0489

Read more about the success of last year's FoodCorps

Who is sponsoring FoodCorps? FoodCorps is a unique partnership between Grow Montana, Montana Campus Compact VISTA Program, select Montana colleges and universities, and community organizations with a mission to develop Montana-based food systems. Grow Montana is a broad-based coalition whose common purpose is to enable Montana's food producers to meet more of our state's food needs.

Grow Montana's founders include:
Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO);
Artemis Common Ground;
Lake County Community Development Corporation;
National Center for Appropriate Technology;
The University of Montana Environmental Studies Program;
UM Dining Services and the UM Farm to College Program.

The Montana Campus Compact (MTCC) is an organization committed to fostering a renewed vision for higher education, one that supports civic engagement through community service and volunteerism. MTCC is a coalition of Montana college and university presidents, chancellors, and deans committed to the civic purposes of higher education.

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