Nuestras Raíces is a grass-roots organization that promotes economic, human and community development in Holyoke, Massachusetts through projects relating to food, agriculture and the environment.

A new Green Jobs Program by Nuestras Raices, click on - Roots Up

Boston Globe Article, "Can Community Gardens Save a City?"- Link


Our projects include: Community Gardens, Youth Leadership, Economic Development, A Women's Leadership Group, Environmental Justice Organizing, and the Tierra de Oportunidades Farm

Sister Barbara, Sister Mary Zeno, Angel and Yashira Tour the Farm
Sister Barbara, Sister Mary Zeno, Angel and Yashira Tour the Farm
Centro Agricola
Farm Festival 2006
La Finquita
Festival de la Cosecha
Victoria and Horse
Casita la Finca 2008
work crew
I love Salsa 2007

Our latest news:

Boston Globe

Nuestras Raices featured in Boston Globe Magazine Article:

Click to read article

RootsUp Green Jobs Program Launched!

ROOTS UP - New green jobs jobs training program launched by Nuestras Raices and partners - Co-op Power, Dept of Youth Services, City of Holyoke, New England Farm Workers Council

Check out the RootsUp Page!

2 positions available, contact Tito Santana, (413) 535-1789,

Leadership Training Graduation

Congratulations to the graduates of the Nuestras Raices/Holyoke Food & Fitness Policy Council Leadership Development Class of 2008!

Laura Berrios, Robert Chipman, Wanda Delgado, Milly Disla, Elizabeth Fadel, Kevin Garcia, Jose Lopez, Daniel Martinez and Adneris Rosario completed the intensive course.  The graduates learned personal and comunity leadership skills from trainer Hilda Colon and Policy Change skills and tactics from AJ Juarez of the Massachusetts Public Health Association.

©2008 Nuestras Raíces | Contact: | 329 Main Street, Holyoke, MA 01040 | Phone: (413) 535-1789