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Regulations Related to Livestock and Poultry Production

Last Updated: March 18, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Environmental Regulations

There may be federal, state, and local regulations that apply to livestock and poultry operations. Most of the resources below are related to federal regulations. There are also links so you can find State or local regulations that may apply to your operation. In addition, you can contact your local Cooperative Extension office, NRCS office, Soil & Water district, or county zoning office to find out more. Also see State Specific Manure Nutrient Management Information for links to resources developed in your state.

EPA Laws and Programs That Could Affect Agricultural Producers

A Matrix of existing EPA regulations that could impact ag producers was developed by EPA's Agriculture Counselor to the Administrator. The matrix includes federal laws and regulations only; states may have regulations that are more restrictive.

Water Programs that may Affect Livestock and Poultry Facilities
CAFO Fact Sheets

The Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship (LPES) Curriculum includes a set of CAFO Fact Sheets These were developed based on the EPA regulations issued in 2003 under the Clean Water Act, and will be revised and updated to reflect final federal regulations after they are issued. The fact sheets help answer questions such as:

  • Do I Need a Permit?
  • What Requirements Apply to My Type of Operation?
  • What is Nutrient Management Planning?
  • What Should I Know Before Land Applying Manure?
  • What Financial Assistance is Available?

Who Do I Contact For More Information?

The EPA Virtual Center lists state contacts in state environmental regulatory agencies and EPA regional contacts.

The EPA Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center provides compliance assistance information to ag producers and their advisors through a listserv, toll-free phone number, publications, website and more.

All About Inspections

What to Expect When EPA Inspects your Livestock Operation, Revised in 2003

Inspection Checklist/Self Assessment from the Heartland Regional Water Quality program.

More Resources

  • Federal regulations: EPA Virtual Center, links on the final CAFO rule.
  • State regulations: EPA Virtual Center, links to State regulatory information
  • ASIWPCA, State CAFO Programs web site. An outgrowth of the Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators (ASIWPCA) Animal Agriculture Taskforce. Here you will find general information on State programs as well as innovative ideas for implementing specific aspects of the CAFO program.

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA’s) CNMP Watch web site with state by state info on nutrient management planning (NMP) programs. This site is designed to assist livestock producers prepare their nutrient management plans in the many forms they might take. The website emphasizes nutrient management planning and the plans that a livestock producer might need to meet a state or federal water quality regulatory requirement.


EPA Ag Center’s Animal publications

Web casts

LPE Learning Center web cast: Proposed Changes to EPAs CAFO Regulations (October 20, 2006). Go to archived webcast.

EPA Webcast explaining EPA's Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking issued in the Federal Register on March 7, 2008 (link to archived webcast)

A webcast on the "Changes to EPAs CAFO Regulations" will be held within two weeks after the new rule is announced.

Compliance tools

NMP Records Checklist and Sample Records

Air Programs that May Affect Livestock and Poultry Operations

EPA Information (link to

USDA Ag Air Quality Task Force link to

Author of this page: Carol Galloway, EPA Ag Center

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