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Tilth Producers of Washington, a Chapter of Washington Tilth Association, is the premier organic farming and sustainable agriculture organization of Washington State. A membership organization of over 400 Washington growers, Tilth Producers fosters and promotes ecologically sound, sustainable agriculture in the interest of environmental preservation, human health and social equity.

Nancy Allen,
Administrative Director
Ph. 206-442-7620
FAX: 206-524-7702

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The Washington State Farmers' Market Association's Directory of Farmers' Markets
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For a History of Tilth Producers, Click Here.
In fulfilling its educational mission, Tilth Producers:
  • Publishes the Tilth Producers Quarterly, a journal of organic and sustainable agriculture,
  • Publishes the Washington Tilth Directory, a guide to organic and sustainable growers, markets, food and farm suppliers and resources in Washington,
  • Presents an annual Tilth Conference and occasional workshops throughout the state to further growers’ education and to provide a forum for interaction among its members and others interested in organic farming and sustainable agriculture,
  • Co-sponsors, with Seattle Tilth, the Tilth Placement Service which matches intern or apprentice farmers with growers willing to teach,
  • Networks with other local, regional, national and international organizations to promote research, education and common action,
  • Was active in the establishment of Washington state organic standards and continues to be active in the development of national organic farming standards,
  • Maintains a watch on state and national governments to inform members of pending or enacted legislation which will affect them,
  • Maintains this Website to increase the availability of information about organic farming and sustainable agriculture for members and others.

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Van Asselt Elementary School in the Seattle School District, received $29,248.42 to purchase Washington grown fruits and vegetables.
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Read the latest about the
Buy Organic Campaign

Interesting Commentary:
Small farms are the most productive on earth.

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In Print and On-Line NOW:

The 2007-2008 Tilth Producers Directory


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Complete Directory in
PDF Format


Washington Food System Directory

We are very pleased to announce the creation of the
Tilth Producers Internet Audio Archive
of Selected Conference Keynote Speeches and Workshops.

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A Bit of History: 1982 Publication "The Future is Abundant" Now On-line
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