Southern Region Sare
SARE provides Grants and Information to Improve Profitability, Stewardship and Quality of Life
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Southern SARE NEWS

Bats in the cornfield help control corn ear worm. Read about it inSouthern SARE's newsletter Common Ground..

Read about the changes in our Research and Education Grants program starting with the 2010 Call For Proposals to be released in March 2009. The changes are part of the restructuring strategy Advancing Sustainable Agriculture.

2008 Index of Southern SARE projects

Southern SARE's Biofuels and Energy Position Paper is now available.

Why did we pick them? - Find out what made recent proposals stand out in the crowd to become SARE projects.

List your sustainable agriculture event on the National SARE calendar for the world to see.

Reports are available from recently completed special projects commissioned by the Southern SARE Administrative Council:



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