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Animals & Animal Products News

Decoding the Cattle Genome
National Impact | October 1, 2008

Modeling Mussels
National Impact | September 15, 2008

Enhancing the Efficiency of Small and Mid-Sized Dairy Farms
National Impact | September 10, 2008

An Energy Shake for Honeybees
National Impact | September 8, 2008

Poultry Vaccines May also Improve Human Health
National Impact | September 2, 2008

USDA Renews Funding for Research, Education and Extension in Swine Health
News Release | July 24, 2008

Scientists Find Genes to Lower Saturated Fats in Beef
National Impact at Iowa State University | July 15, 2008

Scientists Examine Chicken Fertility
National Impact at Cornell University | June 25, 2008

Exploring How Growth Hormones are Released in Animals
National Impact at Iowa State University | June 20, 2008

USDA Awards $5 Million for Avian Influenza Research and Extension
News Release | June 2, 2008

Research Increases Success of In Vitro Fertilization
National Impact at University of Missouri | March 26, 2008

USDA Renews Funding Commitment for Johne's Disease Coordinated Agriculture Project
News Release | March 20, 2008

Chicken Genome Leads to New Vaccine to Fight Poultry Disease
National Impact at Michigan State University | March 13, 2008

Modified Diet May Increase Swine Birthrate
National Impact at Texas A&M | January 15, 2008

USDA Announces New Funding for Whole Genome
Animal Selection

News Release | November 7, 2007

Texas A&M Researcher Honored by President Bush
News Release | November 1, 2007

Iowa State Professor's Genome Research Published in the Latest Issue of Science
National Impact at Iowa State University | October 11, 2007

Environmental Engineer Studies How Antibiotics
Affect Water, Soil

National Impact at the University of Connecticut |
October 1, 2007

Blueprint for USDA Efforts in Agricultural Animal
Genomics Released

Feature | August 31, 2007

Team Tracks Antibiotic Resistance from Swine Farms to Groundwater
National Impact at the University of Illinois| August 21, 2007

Modified Diet Reduces Chickens' Impact on Environment
National Impact at the University of Delaware |
October 30, 2007

Worm Power: The Future of Composting 
National Impact at RT Solutions Inc. | July 30, 2007

Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? - To Escape Deadly Exotic Disease
National Impact at University of California | June 20, 2007

GPS-Equipped Cattle Part of Integrated Farm System in U of I Study
National Impact at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | July 17, 2007

From Cow Pies to Cow Pots: A Creative Way to Manage Farm Waste
National Impact at Freund's Family Farm | July 17, 2007

USDA Develops Teaching Resource "Understanding Avian Influenza"
Feature | May 22, 2007

University of Missouri Researcher Working with Retinal Implants to Make the Blind See
National Impact at University of Missouri-Columbia

Nationwide Demand for Organic Milk Opens Door for Oregon Dairies
National Impact at Oregon State University | February 1, 2007

Researchers Closing in on Vaccine to Prevent Cattle Abortions
National Impact at the University of California - Davis |
January 30, 2007

Researchers Trace Origin of Key Cell of Immune System
News Release | October 2, 2006

Goats Advocated as Environmentally Sound
Brush Control
National Impact at Texas A&M University | August 14, 2006

Which Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?
National Impact at the University of California-Davis |
August 7, 2006

Research Can Help Cattle Producers Cut Costs
National Impact at New Mexico State University |
March 13, 2006

USDA Awards $10 Million to Sequence the Swine Genome
News Release | January 13, 2006

University of Wyoming Research Targets Western Wyoming Brucellosis Problem
National Impact at the University of Wyoming |
January 4, 2005


Last Updated: 10/01/2008