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  • § 1301. Agriculture, Department of: report of Secretary
  • § 1302. Agriculture, Department of: monthly crop report and other publications
  • § 1303. American Historical Association: report
  • § 1304. Army and Navy registers
  • § 1305. Attorney General: opinions
  • § 1306. Civil Service Commission: report
  • § 1307. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: nautical products, sale and distribution
  • § 1308. Coast Guard: annual report of the Commandant
  • § 1309. Coast Guard: notices to mariners and other special publications
  • § 1310. Commerce Department: navigation and weather information
  • [§ 1311. Repealed.]
  • § 1312. Director of Public Health of District of Columbia: report
  • § 1313. Education, Commissioner of: report
  • § 1314. Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac
  • § 1315. Fish and Wildlife Service: bulletins
  • § 1316. Fish and Wildlife Service: report of the Director
  • § 1317. Foreign Relations
  • § 1318. Geological Survey: classes and sizes of publications; report of mineral resources; number of copies; reprints; distribution
  • § 1319. Geological Survey: specific appropriations required for monographs and bulletins
  • § 1320. Geological Survey: distribution of publications to public libraries
  • § 1320A. Historical societies’ publications
  • § 1321. Hydrographic Surveys; foreign surveys
  • § 1322. Immigration and Naturalization Service: report
  • § 1323. Interstate Commerce Commission: report
  • § 1324. Labor Statistics, Bureau of: bulletins
  • § 1325. Labor Statistics, Bureau of: report of Commissioner
  • § 1326. Librarian of Congress: reports
  • § 1327. Mines, Bureau of: publications
  • § 1328. Merchant vessels of the United States
  • § 1329. Mint: reports of Director
  • § 1330. Monthly Summary Statement of Imports and Exports
  • § 1331. National Academy of Sciences: report
  • § 1332. National encampments of Veterans’ organizations; proceedings printed annually for Congress
  • § 1333. National high school and college debate topics
  • § 1334. Naval Intelligence Office: additional copies of publications
  • § 1335. Naval Observatory Observations
  • § 1336. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency: special publications
  • [§§ 1337, 1338. Repealed.]
  • § 1339. Printing of the President’s Message
  • § 1340. Public Printer: annual report
  • § 1341. Smithsonian Institution: report
  • [§ 1342. Repealed.]
  • § 1343. Statistical Abstract of the United States
  • § 1344. Treasury Department: reports

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