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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture.

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Publishing With SARE Outreach

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Publishing with SARE Outreach

Call for Manuscripts
SARE Outreach releases its call for manuscripts periodically. Potential authors might review SARE Outreach’s manuscript submission form, and consider applying when the next call for manuscripts is released.

SARE grantees: Have a publication idea?
Contact Andy Clark to discuss product
SARE Outreach publishes books, bulletins and online resources highlighting SARE-funded project results and other innovative research. Most of SARE Outreach information covers an issue from a national perspective and is available in print and online.

Bulletin Publishing
SARE Outreach has published a variety of informational bulletins ranging in size from 12 to 32 pages that highlight sustainable systems or practices – such as alternative poultry production or marketing strategies. See the full list of SARE Outreach bulletins and consider applying to publish a bulletin manuscript.

Book Publishing
SARE Outreach has published or co-published a variety of books ranging in size from 60-280 pages. SARE Outreach will work with an author to publish a manuscript, but only if the program is involved during the developmental phase. That involvement might include some or all of the following, pending approval of authors and SARE Outreach staff:

Reviewing publication outline(s)
Suggesting external reviewers
Copyediting manuscript
Designing the cover
Co-developing a marketing/promotional plan

Other Resources
SARE Outreach also seeks proposals to develop other outreach tools, such as websites, databases, spreadsheets and creative online resources.

SARE Outreach Publishing Guidelines
You must submit a book manuscript or idea to SARE Outreach when our book requests for proposals is open. Please note: SARE Outreach does not compensate authors. Rather, SARE Outreach will print, stock and distribute a title in partnership with an author.

Once an idea has been submitted, SARE Outreach staff will review the proposal to determine whether the project has merit. Staff will use some of the following decision-making guidelines:

Does the book cover a sustainable agriculture topic of general interest?
Does the book have a national appeal, or at least cross two regions?
Does the idea duplicate any other SARE Outreach titles – published or in progress?
Does the idea expand upon any other existing resources? Contact the Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, which specializes in identifying and accessing information related to alternative agricultural enterprises.)

If the idea passes staff review, SARE Outreach will forward it to the SARE Outreach Steering Committee for approval. The committee meets twice a year. After the committee agrees upon a project, SARE’s budget committee needs to provide final approval. That internal review process takes about one year.

SARE books and bulletins adhere to production standards based on the philosophy that a well-designed and organized publication will generate wider appeal. SARE Outreach generally publishes books with color covers and one- or two-colors text pages.

If SARE Outreach is to distribute books for an author, we will charge an agreed-upon, per-book price plus shipping and handling to cover part of our inventory, handling and postage costs.

If you would like to re-print a publication previously published without SARE Outreach involvement, you must work with SARE Outreach on a new edition during the editorial production phase.

Books, bulletins and other educational materials developed as part of SARE-funded grants can be listed at the SARE website at Contact SARE Outreach if you have already produced a resource from your SARE grant and would like to post your product on our list.

Since 1988, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program has promoted farming systems that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities through a nationwide research and education grants program.

SARE Outreach develops and disseminates information about sustainable agriculture through print and electronic media. SARE Outreach operates under cooperative agreements with CSREES to publish a variety of print and electronic resources for farmers, agricultural educators, and consumers.



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