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About the NECSC

Toward Community Sustainability
Steps Toward Community Sustainablity

Energizing Sustainable Cities: The Power of Planning and Design


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Phone: 619-476-5323







The NECSC is dedicated to the pursuit of research, demonstration and capacity-building initiatives that enable development professionals to build profitable and sustainable communities...


...Communities that consume energy, water and material resources in the most sustainable manner possible while maximizing productivity, security and prosperity, and while minimizing the release of greenhouse gases, solid waste and regulated pollutants to the local and global environment.





The National Energy Center for Sustainable Communities (NECSC) promotes healthier and more productive communities by integrating cleaner energy systems and energy-smart planning and design into new development and redevelopment projects.


NECSC executes this mission through collaborative research, demonstration and capacity-building (education and training) initiatives among government agencies, universities, utilities, companies and nongovernmental organizations across the nation. These initiatives are intended to: accelerate the use of renewable energy and advanced end-use technologies serving structures, infrastructure and processes; and result in development patterns and practices that reduce transportation energy consumption, storm water runoff and the urban heat island effect.