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Volunteer Monitoring Programs' Achievements

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Project Initiatives Link to 382K pdf file with a Project DescriptionLink to Outreach Materials and Activities webpage
Link to Information about Nationwide Inquiry
Link to information about online databasesLink to webpage about training modules

Link to listing of Volunteer Monitoring Programs sponsored or co-sponsored by ExtensionLink to Related Research and Educational EffortsLink to information about studies that research various aspects of volunteer monitoring
Link to webpage about the Guide for Growing Programs Link to 803 K pdf file about Using the Guide Link to Why Monitoring Makes Sense 582K portable document format fileLink to Designing Your Monitoring Strategy, 1.6 M p.d.f. fileLink to Monitoring Matrix, 80K p.d.f. fileLink to 986K p.d.f. file about effective training techniquesLink to 437 KB p.d.f. file of Monitoring Equipment SuppliersLink to listing of direct links to online manuals from volunteer monitoring (Extension) programsLink to 1.5 MB pdf file about Building Credibility for Volunteer Monitoring Programs (Quality Assurance and Quality Control)Link to 1020 KB pdf file about SHaring Information Through Internet ExchangeLink to fact sheet learning module about Volunteer Management (7 M pdf file)Link to 6086 KB pdf file about planning your program's data management systemOutreach ToolsLocating Support and Funding

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Link to Highlighted Program Link to Highlighted Program archivesLink to Job PostingsLink to Secchi Dip-In websiteLink to National Water Monitoring Day Information

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Achievements of Volunteer Monitoring Programs Across the Nation

Every so often we hear some especially exciting news about volunteer monitoring from our colleagues nationwide. We thought having a page where we list some of these highlights would be a good way to keep track of great steps our programs have taken. Please let us know breaking news from your region of the country so we can compile a comprehensive list of acomplishments.

January 2007

Iowa: Rich Leopold, former coordinator for IOWATER, the state's volunteer water monitoring program, was named Director of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

April 2007

Alabama: Bill Deutsch, Director of Alabama Water Watch (AWW) reported that one of the AWW groups on the coast received a coveted Outstanding Alabama Water designation, largely based on eight years of volunteer water testing (link to 321 KB pdf file).

May 2007

Rhode Island: University of Rhode Island Watershed Watch celebrated its 20th anniversary.


Updated Wednesday, 07-Nov-2007 15:13:58 CST
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