Logo for Citizens Monitoring Bacteria
Building Capacity of E. coli Monitoring By Volunteers: A Multi-State Effort

Link to Information about our reserach
Link to information about educatinoal initiatives of the project and other E. coli related education projectsLink to project results and productsLink to information about related researchLink to information about other volunteer bacteria monitoring efforts

Link to information for project volunteers

Link to information about state's roles in the projectLink to Project happenings in IowaLink to project happenings in IndianaLink to project happenings in MichiganLink to project happenings in MinnesotaLink to project happenings in OhioLink to project happenings in Wisconsin


The cooperating Extension Programs for the Regional Volunteer E. coli Monitoring Project:

University of Wisconsin-Extension logo and link
Purdue logo and link
Iowa DNR logo and link
The Ohio State University logo and link
Michigan State University Extension logo and link
University of Minnesota Extension Service logo and link
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resrouces logo and link
Indiana DNR logo and link


IOWATER logo and link

Minnesota Water Resources Center logo and link
Water Action Volunteers logo and link
Hoosier Riverwatch logo and link
Great Lakes Regional CSREES Water Quality Program logo and link
Volunteer Stream Monitoring Partnership logo and link
Volunteer water quality monitoring national facilitation project logo and link
Logo for C.S.R.E.E.S. program


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The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer

This material is based upon work supported (in part) by the Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Integrated Water Quality Program, under Agreement
No. 51130-01787.

Site created Summer 2004.

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