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Protected Plants for All Scientific Names
Jurisdiction = State
State Distribution = U.S. States (Georgia)
115 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with more information. Click on the reference link to see the published list and learn more about the law. Protected plants that are synonyms are indented beneath the current PLANTS accepted name; common names are from the state list.

Georgia Wildlife Resources Division, Nongame Wildlife & Natural Heritage Section. 2001. Protected plants of Georgia (20 October 2002). Georgia Department of Natural Resources.

Symbol Scientific Name State Common Name State Protected Status
ALSP2 Allium speculae Ownbey & Aase flatrock onion T
AMPU7 Amphianthus pusillus Torr. pool sprite, snorkelwort T
ARGE Arabis georgiana Harper Georgia rockcress T
ARDI9 Arnoglossum diversifolium (Torr. & A. Gray) H. Rob. variable-leaf Indian-plantain T
ASHE4 Asplenium ×heteroresiliens W.H. Wagner (pro sp.) [heterochroum × resiliens] Wagner spleenwort T
BAAT Balduina atropurpurea Harper purple honeycomb head R
BAAR Baptisia arachnifera Duncan hairy rattleweed E
CABA8 Carex baltzellii Chapm. ex Dewey Baltzell sedge E
CABI9 Carex biltmoreana Mack. Biltmore sedge T
CADA3 Carex dasycarpa Muhl. velvet sedge R
CAMA33 Carex manhartii Bryson Manhart sedge T
CAMI17 Carex misera Buckley wretched sedge T
CAPU12 Carex purpurifera Mack. purple sedge T
CEER3 Ceratiola ericoides Michx. rosemary T
CHTH2 Chamaecyparis thyoides (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. Atlantic white cedar R
CLSO3 Clematis socialis Kral Alabama leather flower E
CLAS2 Clinopodium ashei (Weath.) Small
CAAS9 Calamintha ashei (Weath.) Shinners Ohoopee Dunes wild basil T
CRPA9 Croomia pauciflora (Nutt.) Torr. croomia T
CUHA Cuscuta harperi Small Harper dodder T
CYFR4 Cymophyllus fraserianus (Ker Gawl.) Kartesz & Gandhi Fraser sedge T
CYAC3 Cypripedium acaule Aiton pink ladyslipper U
CYPAP4 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. var. parviflorum
CYCAP Cypripedium calceolus L. var. parviflorum (Salisb.) Fernald small-flowered yellow ladyslipper U
CYPAP3 Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. var. pubescens (Willd.) Knight
CYCAP2 Cypripedium calceolus L. var. pubescens (Willd.) Correll large-flowered yellow ladyslipper U
DIHI13 Dichanthelium hirstii (Swallen) Kartesz
PAHI10 Panicum hirstii Swallen Hirst panic grass E
DRAP2 Draba aprica Beadle open-ground whitlow-grass E
ECLA Echinacea laevigata (C.L. Boynt. & Beadle) S.F. Blake smooth purple coneflower E
ELRA2 Elliottia racemosa Muhl. ex Elliot Georgia plume T
EPMAM Epidendrum magnoliae Muhl. var. magnoliae
EPCO4 Epidendrum conopseum W.T. Aiton green-fly orchid U
EVSES Evolvulus sericeus Sw. var. sericeus creeping morning-glory E
FIPE Fimbristylis perpusilla Harper ex Small & Britton Harper fimbry E
FOGA Fothergilla gardenii L. dwarf witch-alder T
GECR2 Gentianopsis crinita (Froel.) Ma fringed gentian T
GYLI Gymnoderma lineare (A. Evans) Yoshim. & Sharp rock gnome lichen E
HAFL4 Hartwrightia floridana A. Gray ex S. Watson hartwrightia T
HEBU Helonias bullata L. swamp-pink T
HESHH Hexastylis shuttleworthii (Britten & Baker f.) Small var. harperi Gaddy Harper heartleaf U
HYCA Hydrastis canadensis L. goldenseal E
HYCA9 Hymenocallis caroliniana (L.) Herbert
HYCO5 Hymenocallis coronaria (J. Le Conte) Kunth shoals spiderlily E
ILFL Illicium floridanum Ellis Florida anise-tree E
ISME3 Isoetes melanospora Engelm. black-spored quillwort E
ISTE Isoetes tegetiformans Rury mat-forming quillwort E
ISME2 Isotria medeoloides (Pursh) Raf. small whorled pogonia T
JEDI Jeffersonia diphylla (L.) Pers. twinleaf E
LEEXE Leavenworthia exigua Rollins var. exigua gladecress T
LIME7 Lindera melissifolia (Walter) Blume pondberry E
LIMO3 Lindernia monticola Muhl. ex Nutt.
LISA3 Lindernia saxicola M.A. Curtis rock false pimpernel E
LIAE Litsea aestivalis (L.) Fernald pondspice T
LYFR2 Lysimachia fraseri Duby Fraser loosestrife R
LYCU2 Lythrum curtissii Fernald Curtiss loosestrife T
MAMO3 Marshallia mohrii Beadle & F.E. Boynt. Coosa Barbara buttons T
MARA6 Marshallia ramosa Beadle & F.E. Boynt. pineland Barbara buttons R
MAAL6 Matelea alabamensis (Vail) Woodson Alabama milkvine T
MAPU3 Matelea pubiflora (Decne.) Woodson trailing milkvine R
MYLA2 Myriophyllum laxum Shuttlw. ex Chapm. lax water-milfoil T
NEUM Nestronia umbellula Raf. Indian olive T
NEAL Neviusia alabamensis A. Gray Alabama snow-wreath T
OXCA2 Oxypolis canbyi (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Fernald Canby dropwort E
PAMI25 Packera millefolium (Torr. & A. Gray) W.A. Weber & A. Löve
SEMI2 Senecio millefolium Torr. & A. Gray Blue Ridge golden ragwort T
PEDI7 Penstemon dissectus Elliot grit beardtongue R
PHLE9 Physostegia leptophylla Small narrowleaf dragonhead, tidal marsh obedient plant T
PIPR Pinguicula primuliflora Alph. Wood & Godfrey clearwater butterwort T
PIPI4 Pityopsis pinifolia (Elliot) Nutt. sandhill golden-aster T
PLIN6 Platanthera integrilabia (Correll) Luer monkeyface orchid T
PTNO Ptilimnium nodosum (Rose) Mathias mock bishop-weed E
QUOG Quercus oglethorpensis Duncan Oglethorpe oak T
RHPR2 Rhododendron prunifolium (Small) Millais plumleaf azalea T
RHMI11 Rhus michauxii Sarg. dwarf sumac E
SACA27 Sabatia capitata (Raf.) S.F. Blake Cumberland rose gentian R
SAMI10 Sageretia minutiflora (Michx.) C. Mohr tiny-leaf buckthorn T
SASE9 Sagittaria secundifolia Kral Little River water-plantain T
SAFL Salix floridana Chapm. Florida willow E
SACA14 Sanguisorba canadensis L. Canada burnet T
SAFL4 Sarracenia flava L. yellow flytrap U
SALE4 Sarracenia leucophylla Raf. whitetop pitcherplant E
SAMI9 Sarracenia minor Walter hooded pitcherplant U
SAOR3 Sarracenia oreophila (Kearney) Wherry green pitcherplant E
SAPS2 Sarracenia psittacina Michx. parrot pitcherplant T
SAPU4 Sarracenia purpurea L. purple pitcherplant E
SARU4 Sarracenia rubra Walter sweet pitcherplant E
SCGL7 Schisandra glabra (E.P. Bicknell) Rehder bay starvine T
SCAM Schwalbea americana L. chaffseed E
SCMO6 Scutellaria montana Chapm. large-flower skullcap, mountain skullcap E
SCOC2 Scutellaria ocmulgee Small Ocmulgee skullcap T
SENE Sedum nevii A. Gray Nevius stonecrop T
SEPU6 Sedum pusillum Michx. dwarf granite stonecrop T
SHGA Shortia galacifolia Torr. & A. Gray Oconee bells E
SITR3 Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (Aiton) Rydb. three-tooth cinquefoil E
SITH2 Sideroxylon thornei (Cronquist) T.D. Penn. swamp buckthorn E
SIPO Silene polypetala (Walter) Fernald & B.G. Schub. fringed campion E
SIRE2 Silene regia Sims royal catchfly R
SPVI2 Spiraea virginiana Britton Virginia spiraea T
SPMA5 Spiranthes magnicamporum Sheviak Great Plains ladies-tresses E
STMA Stewartia malacodendron L. silky camellia R
STPIP3 Stylisma pickeringii (Torr. ex M.A. Curtis) A. Gray var. pickeringii Pickering morning-glory T
THCO5 Thalictrum cooleyi H.E. Ahles Cooley meadowrue E
THDE5 Thalictrum debile Buckley trailing meadowrue T
TIRE Tillandsia recurvata (L.) L. ball-moss T
TOTA Torreya taxifolia Arn. Florida torreya E
TRBO2 Trientalis borealis Raf. northern starflower E
TRPE7 Trillium persistens Duncan persistent trillium E
TRRE6 Trillium reliquum J.D. Freeman relict trillium E
VEWO3 Veratrum woodii J.W. Robbins ex Alph. Wood
MEWO Melanthium woodii (J.W. Robbins ex Alph. Wood) Bodkin Ozark bunchflower R
VIBR2 Viburnum bracteatum Rehder limerock arrow-wood E
WALO Waldsteinia lobata (Baldw.) Torr. & A. Gray Piedmont barren strawberry T
XEAS Xerophyllum asphodeloides (L.) Nutt. eastern turkeybeard R
XYTE Xyris tennesseensis Kral Tennessee yellow-eyed grass E
†CodeProtected Status


Time Generated: 10/26/2008 10:23 PM MDT