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Youth SET for Life Mission and Vision

Last Updated: February 18, 2008 Related resource areas: Science, Engineering, and Technology for Youth

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MISSION STATEMENT: Youth SET for Life seeks to increase awareness, understanding and appreciation of science, engineering, and technology (SET) among youth and to improve related knowledge, skills, and abilities for use in their lives and future careers.

VISION STATEMENT: Youth SET for Life provides dynamic and engaging, nonformal learning experiences and current, research-based information in a variety of content areas through an online environment to:

1) increase youth awareness, understanding and appreciation of science, engineering, and technology (SET) and

2) to assist youth in improving SET related knowledge, skills, and abilities for use in their lives and future careers.

Land-grant university faculty, Extension professionals in various discipline areas including 4-H Youth Development, other education and technical professionals, adult and youth leaders and others collaboratively contribute to the SET domain creating multiple online learning communities. Learners participate and contribute through an interactive process that is engaging and enhances the on-line learning environment.

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