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   Formosan Subterranean Termites
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Monolithic Slab Construction
House foundation

Termites can not eat through solid concrete. In order to enter a structure they must come up around the outside edges or enter through some other opening in the slab. Traditional termite treatments require the application of a continuous chemical barrier to the soil around all possible entry points.

Termites in Trees
termites in trees

Information card on where to look for termites in trees

Termites and Rebuilding

Information card on tackling termite problems when beginning a renovation project

Termite Inspection 101
termite inspection

Information card on places to look for Formosan subterranean termite Infestations

bar graph of colony size difference between Formosan and native subterranean termites
Formosan subterranean termites are more aggressive and cause more damage than native subterranean termite species because of special biological attributes.
Comparison of Native and Formosan Subterranean Termites Biology, Ecology and Methods of Control
Formosan and subterranean termite biology, ecology and behavior are compared and contrasted.
Alate Swarm
Winged Formosan subterranean termite
Formosan subterranean termites swarm annually from well established colonies each April through July. LSU Agricultural Center researchers have collected numbers and maintained records on daily flights and total swarmers caught in light traps in and around New Orleans since 1989. A better understanding of the mechanisms regulating flights by Formosan termites may lead to better control measures in the future.
Recognizing Types of Termites
Termite alates
Identifying to species, recognizing problems and having a sound knowledge of control techniques can help in solving a termite problem.
How can I tell if I have Formosan termites in my house?
photo of slab construction
Learn how to inspect and treat your home for Formosan termites as well as common problem areas to look for.
Detection Tips
termite shelter tube orignating from ground
Detecting termites in trees can be helped by a few tips on where to look.
Report Formosan Subterranean Termites
Formosan subterranean termite alate
Report and send in samples of Formosan subterranean termites to help determine its range and help prevent its spread.
Provides additional links for information on termites.
The Sesquiterpenoid Nootkatone and the Absolute Configuration of a Dibromo Derivative
Image of report cover
The 3-dimensional structure of tetrahydronootkatone and nootkatone was determined. A description of our methods and results are provided.
Have you seen this insect?
Formosan subterranean termite alate
Help discover locations where the Formosan subterranean termite is not known to exist.