United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service

National ProTracts Cost Lists provided by the Central NTSC and ITC 

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NRCS Programs Cost Information

Updated 01/09/2007  

Alaska Montana Wisconsin Indiana New Hampshire Alabama South Carolina Colorado South Dakota Arkansas Hawaii Michigan North Dakota Connecticut Florida Washington Montana Utah Arizona New Mexico Illinois North Carolina Puerto Rico / Virgin Islands Maine Nebraska Delaware New Jersey Nevada Iowa Idaho Wyoming West Virginia Tennessee Kentucky California Pennsylvania Rhode Island New York Maryland Kansas Missouri Oregon Minnesota Vermont Texas Ohio Mississippi Georgia Massachusetts Oklahoma Virginia Louisiana

United States Map

This data is from a January 7, 2007 download of the ProTracts cost data. We will continue to update this dataset from ProTracts on a monthly basis. ITC will develop a better site later  for use with eFOTG.

Please send any comments to David.Buland@ftw.usda.gov
See also www.Economics.nrcs.usda.gov