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Environmental Site Database Search

The Division of Environmental Remediation offers access to its cleanup site and spill data in a searchable format. The following information is available:

Environmental Remediation Database Search - This is the main page from which the search applications launch.

  • Spill Incidents Database Search has records dating back to 1978 and is updated nightly. This database contains records of chemical and petroleum spill incidents.
  • Remedial Site Database Search is updated nightly. This database contains records of the sites being addressed under one of DER's remedial programs - State Superfund, Brownfield Cleanup, Environmental Restoration and Voluntary Cleanup. This database also includes the Registry of Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites and information on Institutional and Engineering Controls in New York State.
  • Bulk Storage Database Search is updated nightly. This database contains records of facilities that are or have been regulated under one of the Bulk Storage Programs - Petroleum Bulk Storage, Chemical Bulk Storage and Major Oil Storage Facility.

More about Environmental Site Database Search:

  • Page applies to all NYS regions
  • Contact for this Page:
    Environmental Remediation
    625 Broadway
    Albany, NY 12233-7020
    email us