
What is Xeriscaping?

Xeriscaping is a form of landscaping that conserves water and protects the environment. It includes the use of plants adapted to a particular region, as well as specific maintenance practices designed to grow those plants in a healthy manner.

What does it involve?

There are seven basic principles involved in Xeriscaping.
  1. Planning and design. Take into account what already exists and which functions you want your landscape to perform, such as offering shade, color, or larger areas in which to play. Decide which current plants will remain and which plants should be purchased to introduce to your landscape.
  2. Soil analysis. What’s in the soil directly affects how successfully plants will grow. You need to determine what is in your soil and what you may need to add to grow healthy plants.
  3. Practical turf areas. Turf grasses require more frequent watering and maintenance than most other landscape plants. Carefully select grass according to its intended use, planting location, and maintenance requirements.
  4. Appropriate plant selection. Different plants have different requirements for sun or shade, water, and heat and cold tolerance. Select plants appropriate to your region.
  5. Efficient irrigation. When you water, make sure that as much water as possible is delivered where it will do the most good: the plants’ root zones. Many sprinklers put out a fine spray that is carried away by the wind. Look for sprinklers that put out large drops that will fall to the ground, or consider drip irrigation or soaker hoses to make sure that most of the water gets to the roots.
  6. Use of mulches. Mulching moderates soil temperatures, helps prevent water from evaporating from the soil, reduces weed populations, and prevents soil compaction.
  7. Appropriate maintenance. Mowing and fertilizing correctly and at the right intervals promotes healthy plants.

By putting these principles into practice, you can dramatically reduce your household’s water use, especially during hot, dry weather—and you won't have to sacrifice a healthy, beautiful landscape to do it!

Where can I learn more?

Here are a just a few of many web pages with resources for learning more about making your landscape a Xeriscape. These pages will take you off the TCEQ web site. Exit the TCEQ


Environmental Information for Citizens and Teachers