February 21, 2009

The Invasive Plants Association of Wisconsin Conference and The Prairie Enthusiasts Banquet will be held in Madison as a joint event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The theme of the conference will be "Invasive Plants of Grasslands: Advanced Strategies for their Management." 
Now you can register online and pay via PayPal! Save $10 if you register by January 24th!

Click on a plant for more information ...

Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest" by Elizabeth J. Czarapata


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Invasive species management wikis

Many of you may already know that TNC houses an extensive (but dated) library of management documents for mostly plant invaders on our website.  We have now uploaded most of these documents into a “wiki” format, so that the latest and greatest management information (from YOU!) can be easily entered and updated.  Need the latest info on Phrag or Typha management?  What has and has not worked?  Check out what we have already entered, and please add your experiences and make your additions here!

The Alien Plant Working Group's Invasive Plant Calendar for 2009 is now done and available online for you to download & print. Take a look at it at

MSNBC video on Kudzu and potential biofuel production in Tennessee

It's sold before it's made: kudZunol! All you need is a garage, some plastic barrels, an old milk can, a big blender and plenty of kudzu. Since the plant has already made it to Massachusetts, more and more of us can get into the kudzu "moonshine" business! Better come up with a different name for your product, however.

The Center for Invasive Plant Management is pleased to announce the second of two learning websites developed in collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System and beneficial to other natural resource managers. The website, Managing Invasive Plants: Concepts, Principles, and Practices, provides an overview of invasive plant management and planning supported by case studies, quizzes, scientific literature, and web-based resources. The website is best viewed in Internet Explorer. View website at:

Climate Change Opens New Avenue For Spread Of Invasive Plants

ScienceDaily (Nov. 19, 2008) -- Plants that range northward because of climate change may be better at defending themselves against local enemies than native plants.

So concludes a team of scientists including a University of Florida geneticist. The team's findings, reported online in the journal Nature, suggest that certain plants could become invasive if they spread to places that were previously too cold for them. Read More ...

Wisconsin Wetlands Association to hold 2009 conference jointly with partners the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS).

To be held June 22-26, 2009 at the Monona Terrace in Madison, this international wetland event will focus on the theme Wetland Connections.  The Planning Team currently seeks proposals for symposia (deadline 10/31), workshops (deadline 10/31), and abstracts (deadline 2/27/09).  We’d love to have some content on wetland invasives. 

Abstracts web page:

Documenting threats of exotic species on threatened and endangered plants (Nationwide, USA)

The Institute for Applied Ecology is collaborating with the USDI Bureau of Land Management to evaluate the extent to which exotic species are impacting rare, threatened and endangered plants. We have developed a brief online survey to document 1) the nature of impacts of exotic species on listed plant species, 2) the methods that are currently being used to control exotic species in habitat occupied by listed species, and 3)additional information and/or tools that are needed for land managers to address this potential threat to listed species. This information will be synthesized into an online database available for the general public.Please follow the link below to participate in our study, and feel free to forward this information to any interested colleagues. Our deadline for survey responses is November 21.

DCIST  Unveils  New  Website

Please visit the new Door County Invasive Species Team website at:

Got Weeds? These Sheep Will Make House Calls

Published: October 26, 2008

MISSOULA, Mont. -- Chilled by an autumn wind, Enrique Marquez watched from horseback as the sheep gamboled down the mountain. A border collie nipped the heels of wayward ewes.

All summer and into the fall, the flock grazed on noxious weeds infesting about 1,000 acres of public lands above the Missoula Valley as part of this city's effort to restore its native prairie grasses.

The links below are for 5 short (~2 min.) videos put together by the USDA on how hunters and anglers are getting involved with invasive species prevention and control. They highlight the problems with invasive plants and animals from all over the country and could be a nice tool for outreach.

URL: mms://

URL: mms://

URL: mms://

URL: mms://

URL: mms://

Study examines human transport of plant seeds

Tina Arons, Issue date: 10/16/08 Section: La Vida

Experts say plant seeds hitch rides on our shoes like free taxis that take them to places where they may not be welcome. But how far can they go? Some may find the answer surprising.

New Review on Fire and Invasive Plants (PDF)

This state-of-knowledge review of information on relationships between wildland fire and nonnative invasive plants can assist fire managers and other land managers concerned with prevention, detection, and eradication or control of nonnative invasive plants.

Indiana ramps up its control efforts against kudzu

Indiana ramps up its control efforts against kudzu By RICK CALLAHAN,
Associated Press Writer Thu Aug 21, 3:40 AM ET

INDIANAPOLIS - A fast-growing vine that's left parts of Indiana beneath
tangles of greenery is coming under assault as the state ramps up its
efforts to kill the leafy invader.

Weed ID Tool

The database contains 280 of the most common weeds/invasive plants found in agricultural, urban, and natural settings in Wisconsin. The database can be accessed (for free) by going to the website
Once you arrive at this website click on the Weed ID Tool in the left column. Enter information about the unknown plant, and the website will produce a list of plants (scientific and common names) along with thumbnail images that match the information entered.

Maine Field Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plants
and their common native look alikes

PowerPoint presentations *with audio* from “People-Powered Projects: The National Cooperative Weed Management Area Conference” can now be viewed at (click on “Presentations”).

Britain calls on alien parasites to take fight to Japanese knotweed

By Ian Johnston
Monday, 5 May 2008

An army of jumping plant lice is to be released into Britain in the hope that they can save the countryside from the ravages of Japanese knotweed. ...

Presentations from the January 2008 workshop,  "Integrating Invasive Plant Species Data in the Midwest: Solutions for Data Collection and Management," have been posted on the MIPN website at:

New article looking at effects of garlic mustard and GM herbicide treatment on forest floor. (PDF, 665KB)

52. Hochstedler, Wendy W.; Slaughter, Bradford S.; Gorchov, David L.; Saunders, Lauren P.; Stevens, M. Henry H. Forest floor plant community response to experimental control of the invasive biennial, Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard). Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. Vol. 134, no. 2 (Apr./June 2007): p. 155-165.

'CAT scan' shows Hawaiian forests invaded by alien species

... Using a new type of remote sensing technology on aircraft to create a three-dimensional structure of more than 220,000 hectares of rain forest on the island of Hawaii ...

Encyclopedia of Life

Welcome to the first release of the Encyclopedia of Life portal. This is the very beginning of an exciting journey to document all species of life on Earth.

Invasive Species Ordinances

Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen says Wisconsin counties can enact their own ordinances to stop invasive species ...

The Weed Science Society of America has just started publishing the Invasive Plant Science and Management Journal. The first issue is for January-March 2008. I think there will be four issues per year.
This issue has articles on western juniper, common reed, perennial pepperweed, leafy spurge, invasive knotweed, Invasive species assessment protocol, sulfur cinquefoil to name a few.

The web site is .

The National Park Service's Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network has developed an invasive plant monitoring protocol. See "Protocol" section heading at Click on"PDF". The file is large (17.35 MB).

As with any protocol, the proposed methods have strengths and weaknesses. In my opinion, the strengths of this protocol are its simplicity and speed of implementation over relatively broad areas. The protocol has been field tested in 11 parks. Two weaknesses, perhaps among many, are low ability to detect change in plant abundance and lack of information on individual plant occurrences.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are welcome - but may not be immediately incorporated in the draft.

Craig C. Young
National Park Service
Heartland I&M Network and Prairie Cluster Prototype Monitoring Program

The first National Invasive Species Management Plan was published in 2001 and has recently been revised. The National Invasive Species Council staff
is now accepting public comments on this revised version of the plan.

Link to the Revised Plan

A Guide to the Control and Management Invasive Phragmites (PDF)

American and Oriental Bittersweet Identification

The USGS has put out a great new fact sheet on Asian bittersweet that provides a very useful key for distinguishing Celastrus orbiculatus from Celastrus scandens (American bittersweet).  More (PDF)...


Weed Science Society of America

(LAWRENCE, Kan.) -- It's a Cinderella story. Weeds, scorned and trod on for years and persistently excluded from the manicured gardens and uniform crops of respectable horticultural and agricultural society are fast becoming the darlings of a burgeoning biofuel industry. But not all fairytales have a happy ending.

See the PDF of the press release for the full text.

Detector Dog Research

slide show:


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©Illustrations in the brochure and appearing throughout this website by Mary Reynolds.

Production of the brochure made possible though a grant from We Energies.
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