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Data Sets

Commodity Costs and Returns



USDA has estimated annual production costs and returns and published accounts for major field crop and livestock enterprises since 1975. Cost and return estimates are reported for the United States and major production regions for corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, grain sorghum, rice, peanuts, oats, barley, sugar beets, milk, hogs, and cow-calf. These cost and return accounts are "historical" accounts based on the actual costs incurred by producers. The costs and returns estimation program uses surveys conducted about every 4-8 years for each commodity as part of the annual Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), and methods that conform to standards recommended by the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA).


Soybean field (USDA photo by Dave Warren)

Soybean Production Costs and Returns from the 2006 ARMSExcel file—The 2006 ARMS collected detailed information about the production practices and costs of soybean growers in 19 States, which represent more than 97 percent of U.S. planted soybean acreage. As part of the survey, a subsample of organic soybean producers was developed from lists provided by major organic certifiers. A set of estimates is now available from the survey that presents soybean production costs and returns for 2006 by region and size of operation for all soybean producersExcel file and for conventionalExcel file and organicExcel file producers. Estimates are reported for regions and size groups deemed to have a sufficient sample for statistical reliability. The regional estimates for all producers are used as the basis for the annual series of soybean costs of production. For more information about these soybean cost and return estimates, see The Profitability of Organic Soybean Production.PDF file

Dairy Cows

Milk Production Costs and Returns from the 2005 ARMSExcel file—The 2005 ARMS collected detailed information about the production practices and costs on dairy farms in 24 States, which represent more than 90 percent of national milk production. As part of the survey, a subsample of organic dairy operations was developed from lists provided by major organic milk processors and certifiers. A set of estimates is now available from the survey that presents milk costs and returns for 2005 by State and size of operation for all milk producersExcel file and for conventionalExcel file and organicExcel file dairies. Estimates are reported for States and size groups deemed to have a sufficient sample for statistical reliability. The State estimates form the basis for the continuing series of monthly milk costs of production. For more information about milk cost and return estimates, see A Comparison of Conventional and Organic Milk Production Systems in the U.S.PDF file

Monthly Milk Cost of Production Estimates—Congress included language in USDA's FY 2003 appropriation that strongly urged USDA to make available monthly milk costs of production (COP) in various areas of the United States. To comply with this request, ERS reports monthly milk COP by State, where sufficient data support a State estimate. Estimates are available starting from January 2003.

Cost-of-Production ForecastsExcel file—In addition to the time series of historical cost and return accounts, cost-of-production forecasts for major field crops are available. The forecasts are developed as a part of the USDA Baseline projections to help develop projected net returns for major field crops. These long-term baseline projections provide a starting point for discussion of alternative outcomes for the agricultural sector under expected or proposed future policies. Cost-of-production is only forecast at the national level and would differ considerably among regions, individual farmers, and by size of operation.

Characteristics and Production Costs—This series of reports presents information on how production costs vary among producers of different commodities and the possible reasons for this variation. Reports also include details on production practices and input use levels (the "technology set"), as well as farm operator and structural characteristics.

Data Directories

The files for each commodity are divided into four categories:

  • U.S. and regional estimates for the most recent 2 years.
  • A time-series of U.S. and regional estimates made using the format and methods endorsed by the AAEA task force on commodity costs and returns and ERS farm resource regions.
  • A time-series of U.S and regional estimates from 1975 using the previous format and methods and regional definitions.
  • A time-series of U.S. and regional estimates for major field crops that include the effects of government program participation (various years 1988-95).

Also included is:

  • Monthly milk costs of production estimated since January 2003 in surveyed States.

See all the data files...


Data files for each commodity are in a downloadable MS Excel format.


All data files are less than 100 kb and many are less than 50 kb.

Release Date

Annual estimates on or around October 1.

Monthly milk estimates on or around mid-month.

Instructions/Helpful Hints

Each file may be downloaded to the client's personal computer, opened in most types of spreadsheet software, and processed using the full range of spreadsheet functions. Files include multiple spreadsheets in cases where estimates are available for more than one area within a region and for time periods where the account format, regional definitions, and/or survey base year have changed. Users can choose among multiple spreadsheets in a file by selecting the tabs displayed at the bottom of the spreadsheets.


Check the Glossary for explanations of the economic concepts used throughout commodity costs and returns.


William McBride (team leader, hogs, milk, cow-calf)
Mir Ali (wheat, barley, sugar beets)
Linda Foreman (corn, cotton, grain sorghum)
Janet Livezey (soybeans, rice, oats, peanuts)
Roger Hoskin (monthly milk costs of production)


For more information, contact: William McBride

Web administration:

Updated date: October 1, 2008