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State Land Camping Rules

The DEC encourages the use of bear-resistant canisters throughout the Adirondack and Catskill backcountry. Bear-resistant canisters are required to be used by overnight users in the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness between April 1st and November 30th.

A map of the High Peaks Wilderness Area can accessed via the link in the right hand column of this page.
Bear Resistant Canister Regulation
Press Release on Enforcement of this Regulation

The rules associated with using Department of Environmental Conservation managed public lands in New York State for recreational purposes are relatively simple and straightforward.

Firewood Alert

Don't Move Firewood!

A new regulation is now in effect that prohibits the import of firewood into New York unless it has been treated to kill pests. The new regulation also limits the transportation of untreated firewood to less than 50 miles from its source.

Bringing your firewood with you? Most people don't realize they move bugs along with their firewood. You could be spreading diseases or insects that can quickly kill large numbers of trees. Our forests are at risk from the transport of firewood infested with tree killers. Help STOP THE SPREAD of these pests:

  • Leave firewood at home-do not transport it to campgrounds or parks.
  • Only purchase firewood that has been harvested in New York State or treated for pests.
  • Burn all firewood brought to the campsite.

See our firewood Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

Backcountry Camping

Backcountry camping is allowed on Forest Preserve lands in the Adirondacks and Catskills as well as State Forest lands outside the Preserve. Camping is prohibited on Unique Areas, Wildlife Management Areas and a few other categories of state land. Hiking is generally permitted anywhere on State lands, however, special restrictions apply to both mountain biking and horseback riding.

For information on DEC's 52 campgrounds in the Adirondack and Catskill Parks, visit DEC Campground Information.

Camping Rules and Guidelines

Please note: Specific land units in the forest preserve may have regulations that differ from the rules and guidelines listed below. For information about specific land areas, look at our regulations page or contact the Regional Office near the land unit of interest.

Camp Here designation disk

Rules and guidelines for the use of public lands managed by DEC are generally as follows:

  • Camping is prohibited within 150 feet of any road, trail, spring, stream, pond or other body of water except at areas designated by a "camp here" disk.
  • Groups of ten or more persons OR stays of more than three days in one place require a permit from the New York State Forest Ranger responsible for the area.
  • Lean-tos are available in many areas on a first come first served basis. Lean-tos cannot be used exclusively and must be shared with other campers.
  • Use pit privies provided near popular camping areas and trailheads. If none are available, dispose of human waste by digging a hole 6"-8" deep at least 150 feet from water or campsites. Cover with leaves and soil.
  • Do not use soap to wash yourself, clothing or dishes within 150 ft of water.
  • Drinking and cooking water should be boiled for 5 minutes, treated with purifying tablets or filtered through filtration device to prevent instances of giardia infection.
  • Fires should be built in existing fire pits or fireplaces if provided. Use only dead and down wood for fires. Cutting standing trees is prohibited. Extinguish all fires with water and stir ashes until they are cold to the touch. Do not build fires in areas marked by a "No Fires" disk. Camp stoves are safer, more efficient and cleaner.
  • Carry out what you carry in. Practice "leave no trace" camping and hiking.
  • Keep your pet under control. Restrain it on a leash when others approach. Collect and bury droppings away from water, trails and camp sites. Keep your pet away from drinking water sources.
  • Observe and enjoy wildlife and plants but leave them undisturbed.
  • Removing plants, rocks, fossils or artifacts from state land without a permit is illegal.
  • The storage of personal property on state land is prohibited.
  • Carry an approved personal flotation device (pfd) for each person aboard all watercraft.
  • Except in an emergency or between December 15th and April 30th, camping is prohibited above an elevation of 4,000 feet in the Adirondacks.
  • Except in an emergency or between December 21st and March 21st, camping is prohibited above an elevation of 3,500 feet in the Catskills.
  • At all times, only emergency fires are permitted above 4,000 feet in the Adirondacks and 3,500 feet in the Catskills.

Valcour Island Foot Trail diskNo Fires disk