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Watershed Studies

By studying watersheds in our outdoor laboratory and around the country, TIAER has been able to model existing conditions and test policy scenarios. As a result of examining a geographic area through its science, economics, constituency, and current and suggested policy, we have refined our Planned Intervention Microwatershed Approach to water quality concerns.
The Bosque River and the surrounding watershed drains into Lake Waco. TIAER has accumulated a rich store of data about this area that demands ongoing analysis.
In one micowatershed of the Bosque River, TIAER was able to apply and test Planned Intervention Microwatershed Approach. As part of our educational program, we developed a way to quickly calculate a safe level of manure application.
Also a dairy region, the Lake Fork Reservoir allowed researchers to compare findings in the Bosque to another watershed.
The Maquoketa watershed in Iowa provided a new challenge with its mixed livestock groupings.
CEEOT has been modified to work with poultry and litter in the Brazos-Navasota watershed.


Computer modeling is becoming an increasingly important tool for understanding how our world works. Modeling the environment is a very complex task, however, the use of models allows decision-makers to assess current conditions, predict future issues and evaluate alternative strategies.

The Comprehensive Economic and Environmental Optimization Tool-Livestock and Poultry (CEEOT-LP) allows TIAER to plug in appropriate modeling tools to evaluate environmental and economic cost-effectiveness.
  • Macromodeling
Macromodeling is a new tool, analogous to CEEOT, that works at a regional scale.
  • Water Quality Modeling
Modeling the environment is a complex task, involving many choices. TIAER has modeled water quality both as part of CEEOT studies and independently.
Click on the link to download CEEOT-SWAPP.


In pursuit of understanding the dynamics of a watershed, TIAER has developed data gathering methods for both water monitoring and lab analysis.
With over a decade of experience monitoring the Bosque River watershed, TIAER has trained field teams who can install stations and train your staff.
TIAER boasts high-quality lab procedures available both in and out-of-house.

2002 Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research

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