Cornell University InsigniaCornell University New York State Agricultural Experiment Station






Ladybug & Aphid Entomology Department

Entomologists at Geneva are dedicated to the protection of horticultural crops from attack by insects and mites. Entomologists study the biology and ecology of crop pests, improved pesticide management procedures, and alternative control strategies to reduce the use of chemicals. A significant part of the crop protection program in New York State is to encourage the practice of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) procedures. Working closely with researchers, farmers, extension agents, and industry, the group has been able to implement many pest control strategies that are effective, economical, and safe.

     Entomology Links
Post-doctoral Associates
Graduate Study
Current Research and Electronic Documents
     Seminar Schedule

The virtue of the impure: Chemical Biology of Natural Products using Direct NMR
December 09, 2008 | 10:30AM | A134 Barton Laboratory, NYS Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY

Show me the science! Mothra - the B movie monster.
December 16, 2008 | 10:30AM | A134 Barton Laboratory, NYS Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, NY