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Center for Plant Health Science and Technology

Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory


Office of the Director

Location: Raleigh, NC
Phone: (919) 855-7500
Fax: (919) 855-7599
Contact: Robert Griffin

The Plant Epidemiology and Risk Analysis Laboratory (PERAL) is located on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. The founding staff consisted of seven scientists with diverse backgrounds in plant pathology, entomology, engineering, and botany. These scientists were tasked with providing APHIS with scientific and analytical support for safeguarding American agriculture, facilitating trade, and protecting the environment from invasive exotic species.

The lab is comprised of a diverse group of scientists and professionals working in the arena of pest risk analysis and related work. The staff addresses both import and export issues by using scientific principles, procedures, and evidence to analyze issues relevant to safeguarding plant health from the threats of harmful exotic pests of cultivated and natural plants and plant systems. This includes most risk analyses required by PPQ for pests, commodities, and pathways. Analyses produced by PERAL help PPQ to design risk-based regulations that are in compliance with international trade agreements for imported and domestic pest management programs. The work of the staff is also important for identifying and assessing new pest threats to eliminate or reduce the risk of pest introductions, monitoring the effectiveness of existing programs, and helping to prioritize available resources to maximize PPQ’s protection capabilities.

PERAL uses a team-based approach and manages its work on a project basis. PERAL staff collaborate with other CPHST laboratories, groups in PPQ and USDA, e.g., ARS, and foreign counterparts in completing their projects. Analysts focus primarily on finding and interpreting scientific evidence demonstrating risks associated with emerging and re-emerging plant pests. PERAL also integrates weather, pest distribution and other databases in forecasting and risk management models. The scientists provide leadership and analytical support to the New Pest Advisory Group (NPAG) in achieving consensus action on newly detected invasive pest species and imminent threats. They also contribute to regional and international harmonization through active participation in the North American Plant Protection Organization (NAPPO) and the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC).

PERAL consists of twenty-eight permanent and seven cooperating core scientists, seven NTE (five full- and two part-time) specialists, one technician, one librarian, two IT specialists and one full-time administrative assistant. Additional PERAL personnel resources include eight foreign nationals from the Columbia Center for Phytosanitary Excellence that were recently hired by APHIS-IS as scientists/analysts.

PERAL “laboratory space” does not consist of traditional bench-space and greenhouses because deliverables are the collection and analysis of scientific data instead of the development of data. PERAL is equipped to provide essential scientific support to risk-based policy making. Equipment utilized includes standard office machines, computers, and analytical software for information gathering and scientific analysis.

Recent Accomplishments

  • Finalized 26 PRAs in FY07, for 31 commodities from 36 different countries, or a total of 72 new country-commodity combinations
  • Completed 16 analyses supporting U.S. export issues, such as Pacific Northwest apples to Taiwan (codling moth) and wheat to the European Union (Karnal bunt)
  • Completed 13 organism analyses and the New Pest Advisory Group (NPAG) closed 58 pest files in FY07; 31 of those were for pests new to the United States
  • Completed a PRA for armored scales on imported fruit for consumption
  • Finalized PRAs supporting PPQ rulemaking that will allow safe transport of Hawaiian solid waste to landfills in Idaho and Oregon in airtight bales
  • Completed an experimental analysis of the rate of fruit fly emergence from composted fruit
  • 16 Training and Capacity Building Projects - e.g., 1) Developed a Regulatory Curriculum at NCSU: Fundamentals of Risk Analysis – a one credit class and Challenges in Plant Resource Protection – a three credit class. Developed a Regulatory Plant Science website available online at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/aphiscourse/; 2) Developed and implemented a Risk Analysis Mentoring Program (RAMP) for international visitors (Peru, Senegal, Dominican Republic, Thailand, Honduras, Jamaica, Zambia, Chile) with 20 international students to date in FY 06; and workshop on uncertainty reduction and increased transparency in pest risk analysis
  • 13 Other Projects - e.g., Quadrilaterals Cooperation Website established; ISO 9001:2000 Certification (including renewal and transfer), and BugFest community outreach.
Last Modified: May 19, 2008