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RMRS-GTR-72: Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values: A technical document supporting the Forest Service Strategic Plan (2000 revision)

Rosenberger, Randall S.; Loomis, John B. 2001. Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values: A technical document supporting the Forest Service Strategic Plan (2000 revision). Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-72. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 59 p.

We present an annotated bibliography that provides information on and reference to the literature on outdoor recreation use valuation studies. This information is presented by study source, benefit measures, recreation activity, valuation methodology, and USDA Forest Service region. Tables are provided that reference the bibliography for each activity, enabling easy location of studies. The literature review spans 1967 to 1998 and covers 21 recreation activities plus a category for wilderness recreation. There are 163 individual studies referenced, providing 760 benefit measures. Guidelines are provided for applying the various benefit transfer methods. Benefit transfer is the use of past empirical benefit estimates to assess and analyze current management and policy actions. Several theoretical and empirical issues to applying benefit transfers are identified for use in judging the relevance and credibility of transferring specific measures. Four benefit transfer models are discussed, including value transfers (single point estimates, average values) and function transfers (demand and benefit functions and meta analysis benefit function). A simple example application is followed throughout the discussion of the various benefit transfer methods. A decision tree is provided as a framework for determining how to obtain benefit measures for recreation activities.

Keywords: Benefit transfer, meta-analysis, outdoor recreation use values

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Title: RMRS-GTR-72: Benefit transfer of outdoor recreation use values: A technical document supporting the Forest Service Strategic Plan (2000 revision)
Electronic Publish Date: June 13, 2001
Last Update:
January 14, 2002

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