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The Electronic Directives System (eDirectives) provides employees of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) immediate access to the most current directives issued by the NRCS.
Whats New
August, 2008 — eDirectives has been enhanced with the following features:
  • Print to PDF— All directives can now be converted to PDF format for easy printing by clicking on the "Create PDF" button at the bottom of the directive viewer screen. The PDF version contains footers with citation references and page numbers on the bottom of every page.
  • Recent Updates RSS Feed— Information about recent updates to directives can now be received in Really Simple Syndication (RSS) format. To use RSS, you will need an RSS reader, such as My MSN, My Yahoo, the Firefox Browser or other downloadable readers. For more information on RSS, click on the RSS link in the left-hand menu.
  • Google Search Integration— eDirectives has been redesigned to use the USDA's Google Search Appliance to search for content within the directives system. In addition, an Advanced Search screen has been added for users wanting more control over their searches.
May, 2008 — Engineering directives, formally stored in the Conservation Engineering Tools and Documents web site (http://www.info.usda.gov/ced/) are now available in the eDirectives site. Documents include the National Engineering Handbook and Manual, as well as various engineering-related technical notes, technical releases,and user guides.