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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Index of Common Names: P

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Aleppo Pine
Allegheny Plum
Alpine Celery Pine
Ameixa Do Peru
American Pennyroyal
American Persimmon
American Pipeweed
American Plum
Apache Plume
Apak Palm
Apricot Plum
Arctic Poppy
Asian Pear
Asian Poison Bulb
Asparagus Pea
Aspen Poplar
Australian Plum
Austrian Pine
Balsam Poplar
Banana Passion Fruit
Barilla Plant
Beach Pea
Beach Pea
Beach Pine
Beach Plum
Bead Plant
Big-Cone Pine
Birch-Leaved Pear
Bird Of Paradise
Bishop's Pine
Black Peppermint
Black Persimmon
Black Poplar
Blackseed Plantain
Bladder Pod
Bladder Pod
Blond Psyllium
Blue Hesper Palm
Blue Panic Grass
Blue Poppy
Bokhara Plum
Bollwyller Pear
Branched Pencil Cholla
Branching Phacelia
Bristle-Cone Pine
Broad-Leaved Pondweed
Brown's Peony
Brush Pepperbush
Buck's-Horn Plantain
Bush Palmetto
Bushman's Toilet Paper
Butterfly Pea
Cabbage Palm
Cabbage Palmetto
California Compass Plant
California Peppertree
Californian Poppy
Callery Pear
Canadian Plum
Canadian Pondweed
Canadian Poplar
Castor-Oil Plant
Celery Top Pine
Century Plant
Century Plant
Century Plant
Cerro Potosi Pinyon
Cheddar Pink
Cherry Plum
Chick Pea
Chickasaw Plum
Chickling Pea
Chilean Podocarp
Chilean Wine Palm
Chilghoza Pine
Chinese Parasol Tree
Chinese Pea Shrub
Chinese Peony
Chinese Pink
Chinese Pistache
Chinese Plum Yew
Chinese Plum Yew
Chinese Plumbago
Chinese Privet
Chinese Privet
Chinese Red Pine
Chinese Red Pine
Chinese White Pine
Chinese Wild Peach
Chinese Wild Peach
Chir Pine
Chusan Palm
Coastal Pigface
Coastal Pignut Hickory
Colorado Wild Potato
Common Pepperweed
Common Plantain
Compass Plant
Coral Pea
Coral Plant
Corn Poppy
Corsican Pine
Cow Parsley
Cow Parsnip
Cow Parsnip
Cream Peavine
Creek Plum
Cruel Plant
Cruel Plant
Cuckoo Pint
Cup Plant
Curly Pondweed
Curry Plant
Cushaw Pumpkin
Dalmation Pellitory
Date Plum
Desert Fan Palm
Desert Panicgrass
Desert Peach
Desert Pepperweed
Digger Pine
Downy Rattlesnake Plantain
Drias Plant
Drumstick Primula
Duck Potato
Dutchman's Pipe
Dwarf Fan Palm
Dwarf Mountain Pine
Dwarf Siberian Pine
Early Purple Orchis
Earthnut Pea
Eastern Poison Oak
Eastern Prickly Pear
Elderberry Panax
Evening Primrose
False Pak Choi
Fennel-Leaved Pondweed
Field Pea
Finger Poppy Mallow
Flax-Leaved Paper-Bark
Fly Poison
Fool's Parsley
Four O'clock Plant
French Psyllium
Fringed Pink
Fulvous Popcornflower
Garden Pea
Garden Phlox
Glycine Pea
Gold Of Pleasure
Golden Purslane
Grass Of Parnassus
Grass Pansy
Great Pond Sedge
Great Purple Monkey Flower
Great Water Plantain
Greater Periwinkle
Green Purslane
Grey Poplar
Ground Pine
Ground Pine
Ground Pine
Ground Plum
Guadalupe Palm
Hairy Puccoon
Hamburg Parsley
Harbin Pear
Hart's Pennyroyal
Herb Paris
Herb Paris
Herb Patience
Himalayan Blue Pine
Himalayan Poplar
Himalayan Poppy
Hoary Plantain
Hog Peanut
Hog Peanut
Hog Plum
Hooker's Evening Primrose
Horned Pondweed
Horned Poppy
Hou Po
Huang Ping
Huon Pine
Ice Plant
Ice Plant
Ichang Papeda
Indehiscent Pigweed
Indian Paper Birch
Indian Physic
Indian Pink
Indian Pipe
Indian Poke
Indian Poke
Indian Potato
Indian Wild Pear
Inland Pigface
Iron Cross Plant
Italian Stone Pine
Jack In The Pulpit
Jack Pine
Japanese Black Pine
Japanese Pagoda Tree
Japanese Pepper Tree
Japanese Photinia
Japanese Plum
Japanese Plum
Japanese Plum Yew
Japanese Plum Yew
Japanese Plum Yew
Japanese Privet
Japanese Red Pine
Japanese Sago Palm
Japanese White Pine
Jeffrey Pine
Jelly Palm
Jerusalem Pea
Joe Pye Weed
King Protea
King William Pine
Korean Nut Pine
Korean Pasque Flower
Korean Plum Yew
Lace-Bark Pine
Lamwick Plant
Large Petiole Mustard
Large-Flower Evening Primrose
Le Conte Pear
Lead Plant
Leopard Plant
Lesser Periwinkle
Limber Pine
Loblolly Pine
Lodgepole Pine
Long-Head Poppy
Longstalk Spring Parsley
Lord Anson's Pea
Low Prairie Rose
Manna Plant
Manystem Peavine
Maritime Pine
Marvel Of Peru
Mazari Palm
Meadow Parsley
Mexican Palmetto
Mexican Pine Nut
Mexican Pine Nut
Mexican Plantain
Mexican Plum
Mexican Weeping Pine
Mexican White Pine
Mirror Plant
Mojave Prickly Pear
Monkey Puzzle Tree
Monterey Pine
Montezuma Pine
Mountain Pennyroyal
Mountain Pepper
Mountain Pepper
Mountain Spring Parsley
Mt. Wellington Peppermint
Narrow Leaved Peppergrass
Narrowleaf Pectis
Native Pennyroyal
Nepalese Paper Bush
New Mexico Prairie Mallow
Nine Star Perennial Broccoli
Northern Pin Oak
Northern Pitch Pine
Opium Poppy
Oriental Plane
Oriental Poppy
Oyster Plant
Pacific Dewberry
Pacific Hemlock-Parsley
Pacific Hound's Tongue
Pacific Plum
Pacific Serviceberry
Pacific Silverweed
Pacific Stonecrop
Pacific Waterleaf
Pacific Willow
Pacific Yew
Paint Indian
Painted Fern
Painted Milkvetch
Painted Trillium
Pak Choi
Pale Ballart
Pale Bastard Toadflax
Pale Fawn Lily
Pale Flax
Pale Jewelweed
Pale Serviceberry
Pale Spike
Pale Spring Beauty
Pale Thistle
Pale Vanilla Lily
Pale Wolfberry
Pale-Flowered Fritillary
Paleleaf Woodland Sunflower
Palmate Violet
Palo Blanco
Pampas Grass
Panicled Bulrush
Panther Lily
Paper Birch
Paper Mulberry
Paper-Shell Piñon
Papoose Root
Papoose Root
Paradise Apple
Paradise Apple
Parry Manzanita
Parry Piñon
Parry's Bellflower
Parsley Fern
Parsley Piert
Parsley-Leaved Hawthorn
Partridge Berry
Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Pasture Rose
Pea Vetch
Peach Leaved Willow
Pear Hawthorn
Pearl Berry
Pearl Lupin
Pearl Millet
Pearly Everlasting
Pedunculate Oak
Pei Lan
Pellitory Of The Wall
Pellitory Of The Wall
Pencil Cedar
Pennsylvania Buttercup
Pennsylvania Smartweed
Pennyroyal Geranium
Pepper Saxifrage
Pepper Vine
Peppermint Geranium
Perennial Buckwheat
Perennial Flax
Perennial Lettuce
Perennial Ryegrass
Perennial Sweet Pea
Perennial Wall Rocket
Perpetual Kale
Persian Manna
Persian Wheat
Peruvian Lily
Peruvian Lily
Pestle Parsnip
Pheasant's Eye
Pheasant's Eye
Pheasant's Foot Geranium
Philadelphia Fleabane
Pickerel Weed
Pickling Melon
Pig Nut
Pig's Face
Pigeon's Scabious
Pigmy Bitterroot
Pin Cherry
Pin Oak
Pin-Leaf Geebung
Pin-Point Clover
Pine Bluegrass
Pine Heath
Pine-Mat Manzanita
Pineapple Sage
Pineapple Weed
Pingue Hymenoxys
Pink Fawn Lily
Pink Fivecorner
Pink Mountain Berry
Pink Purslane
Pink Sorrel
Pinnate Boronia
Piñole Clover
Pirri-Pirri Bur
Pitch Pine
Pitcher Plant
Plains Cottonwood
Plains Lemon Monarda
Plains Prickly Pear
Plains Springparsley
Plains Wild Indigo
Pleurisy Root
Ploughman's Spikenard
Plum-Fruited Yew
Plume Grass
Plume Poppy
Plymouth Pear
Poached Egg Plant
Poet's Narcissus
Pointleaf Manzanita
Poison Ivy
Poison Pimelea
Poison Sumach
Polish Wheat
Pond Pine
Ponderosa Pine
Poppy Mallow
Porcelain Berry
Porcupine Grass
Porter's Licorice Root
Portugal Laurel
Portuguese Crowberry
Post Oak
Post-Oak Grape
Pot Marigold
Pot Marjoram
Potato Onion
Potato Orchid
Poverty Grass
Poverty Rush
Poverty Weed
Powell's Amaranth
Powell's Saltweed
Praire Dropseed
Prairie Coneflower
Prairie Cord Grass
Prairie Crab
Prairie Crab
Prairie Dock
Prairie Goldenrod
Prairie Ground Cherry
Prairie Mimosa
Prairie Onion
Prairie Onion
Prairie Rose
Prairie Rose Gentian
Prairie Sunflower
Prairie Trout Lily
Pretty Face
Prickle Pine
Prickly Ash
Prickly Blackcurrant
Prickly Cardinal
Prickly Comfrey
Prickly Juniper
Prickly Lettuce
Prickly Moses
Prickly Pear
Prickly Pear
Prickly Poppy
Prickly Poppy
Prickly Rose
Prickly Russian Thistle
Prickly Sow Thistle
Prince's Feather
Prince's Feather
Prince's Plume
Prostate Pigweed
Provence Rose
Purdy's Iris
Purging Flax
Purple Amaranth
Purple Avens
Purple Chokeberry
Purple Crowberry
Purple Flag
Purple Fritillary
Purple Loosestrife
Purple Milkweed
Purple Osier
Purple Osier
Purple Prairie Clover
Purple Sage
Purple Shiso
Purple Silkweed
Purple Silkweed
Purple Vetch
Purple-Coned Spruce
Purple-Leaf Sand Cherry
Purplestem Angelica
Purplestem Aster
Putty Root
Pygmy Water Lily
Pyramidal Orchid
Queen Of The Prairie
Quito Palm
Red Hot Poker
Red Pine
Ribwort Plantain
Rice Paper Plant
Rock Pine
Rocky Mountain Piñon
Roman Pimpernel
Rosegold Pussy Willow
Rough Pigweed
Sago Palm
Sand Pear
Sand Plum
Sand-Dune Penstemon
Saw Palmetto
Scarlet Pimpernel
Scot's Pine
Scrub Palmetto
Scrub Pine
Sea Plantain
Sea Purslane
Sea Purslane
Senegal Date Palm
Shepherd's Purse
Shining Pepperweed
Short-Leaf Pine
Siberian Pea Tree
Siberian Pine
Silverleaf Scurf Pea
Single Leaf Piñon
Skeleton Plant
Slender Scurfy Pea
Slenderstem Peavine
Small-Flowered Penstemon
Smooth-Leaf Pine
Smoothpit Peach
Snow Pear
Soledad Pine
Sour Plum
Southwestern White Pine
Spreading Pigweed
Squaw Potato
Sugar Pea
Sugar Pine
Swamp Privet
Sweet Pea
Sweet Pepper
Sweet Pepper Bush
Sweet Pignut
Sweet Pignut
Sweet Potato
Sweet Unicorn Plant
Sweetroot Spring Parsley
Swiss Stone Pine
Sydney Peppermint
Szechuan Pepper
Tabasco Pepper
Tall Poppy-Mallow
Tartar Bread Plant
Tasmanian Podocarp
Tea Plant
Tea-Oil Plant
Texas Dutchman's Pipe
Thunberg's Pigweed
Tree Peony
Tree Peony
Tree Peony
Tree Peony
Tree Peony
Tree Pepper
Turkey Pea
Twist-Spine Prickly Pear
Twisted Leaf Pine
Umbrella Pine
Umbrella Plant
Unicorn Plant
Upright Hedge Parsley
Utah Pickleweed
Vanilla Plant
Veined Peppercress
Water Parsnip
Water Parsnip
Water Pennywort
Water Purslane
Water Purslane
Wax Palm
Wax Palm
Wax Palm
Weeping Pittosporum
Western Balsam Poplar
Western Poison Oak
Western Prickly Pear
Western Rattlesnake Plantain
Western White Pine
White Panicle Aster
White Peppermint
White Pine
White Poplar
White Prairie Clover
White Prairie Clover
White Prickly Poppy
White Prince's Plume
White-Bark Pine
Whitest Evening Primrose
Wild Date Plum
Wild Four O'clock Plant
Wild Goose Plum
Wild Parsley
Wild Pea
Wild Pear
Wild Pepper Grass
Wild Potato
Wild Potato Vine
Willow-Leaved Pear
Willowleaf Podocarp
Winged Pigweed
Winged Prickly Ash
Winged Prickly Ash
Woodland Pinedrops
Woolly Parosella
Wu Jia Pi
Wyoming Indian Paintbrush
Yellow Penstemon
Yellow Pimpernel
Yellow Silver Pine
Yellow-Flowered Pea
Yunnan Plum Yew

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

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