Wildlife Forever

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Wildlife Forever


Education will ultimately determine America's wildlife heritage.

Years ago, most of america grew up enjoying and participating in the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, and wildlife watching were a part of everyday life. The majority of today's children do not get long walks in the woods or time on the water. This disconnection with wildlife prevents our children and future generations from building an appreciation of the beauty and importance of fish and wildlife in our lives and will eventually carry over in their adult lives.

For that reason, Wildlife Forever added an education component to our mission statement in 1998. Since then, we have become a national leader in conservation education for children.

The Wildlife Forever CD-ROM Curriculum

For homeschoolers and teachers alike, The Wildlife Forever CD-ROM Curriculum is an innovative conservation education supplement that teaches students about a variety of wildlife species, natural resources, ecological concepts, and conservation.  The Curriculum includes 14 fun lesson plans designed to cultivate a feeling of personal responsibility for the wonders of nature.   The lesson plans:

  • are user-friendly and designed for educators with little experience teaching about wildlife or conservation
  • are interdisciplinary and incorporate diverse subjects such as math, language arts, science, and vocabulary
  • offer students the opportunity to view and hear over 60 species of wildlife in their native habitat

Learn more about this valuable educational tool by clicking the link above.

The Wildlife Forever Critter Pocket Guide Series

Conservation education is the very foundation of Wildlife Forever’s mission to preserve America’s wildlife heritage.  We have developed the Critters Pocket Guide Series to enhance our other educational resources and to act as a stand alone guide.  Critter Guides are informative and fun for children and novice outdoor-enthusiasts alike. It's our great pleasure that several states have incorporated their state's Critter Pocket Guide into a comprehensive conservation education program by giving a copy to every fourth grade student in their state.

Our ultimate goal is a Critter Pocket Guide for every state. Several additional guides are already in the works, including Arizona, New York and Texas.

The Critters Pocket Guide Series contains comprehensive information including:

  • Fifty profiles of species in your state, with information pertaining to physical description, habitat, feeding and reproductive behavior
  • Full color photographs of each species
  • A “Did You Know?” section with exciting and interesting facts on each species
  • A brief glossary of terms
  • A Life List including date, time, and place

The Critter Pocket Guide for your state can be purchased in most local bookstores or here online.

The Wildlife Forever State-Fish Art Project is an interdisciplinary conservation education program that sparks the imagination of students and fosters a natural sense of discovery.  The State-Fish Art Project provides valuable lessons about fish and the need for conservation of aquatic resources.  Entering its seventh year, the State-Fish Art Project has two primary components: 1) the comprehensive State-Fish Art Lesson Plan for students in grades 4-12, and 2) a national art contest which serves as an outreach initiative.   Upon completion of the lesson plan students will have gained an understanding of a fish’s anatomy, behavior, and habitat needs, as well as the structure of a simple aquatic food chain. 

FREE lesson plan. Click to see a PDF version that you can download.

The State-Fish Art Lesson Plan was created for educators and homeschooling parents who teach grades four through twelve.  The Lesson Plan is interdisciplinary and incorporates writing, vocabulary, and math lessons in addition to science.  The Lesson Plan also includes extensive background information, diverse activities, a thorough glossary, a comprehensive species identification section, and traditional and non-traditional assessment opportunities such as student worksheets and suggested quiz questions.  It also provides countless “hands-on” opportunities designed for use on a topic-by-topic basis to investigate a particular concept or species, or as an ongoing science unit.