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Registration Form for Website and Directory of Members and Experts

Enter a user name, usually something like 'jsmith'. No spaces or special characters. User names and passwords are case sensitive, make sure the capslock key is not enabled. This is the name used to log in.
Participation in this directory is voluntary, in case you would like your name and contact information accessible to members and others, including journalists. Information on your research interests may be entered on the experts roster, below.
Enter full name, eg. John Smith.
Enter an email address. This is necessary in case the password is lost. We respect your privacy and will not give the address away to any third parties or expose it anywhere.

Personal or research webpage, including information on publications
Please select one

If you are interested in being listed in our roster of experts, which will be visible to non-members (including journalists), please fill out the following information. You can cut and paste information from your word processing program or from entries already posted on the web. All categories are optional.
Topics about which you are willing to speak with journalists and policymakers (select as many as desired). To select multiple fields, click on your choices while holding CTRL (on PC) or the Apple Key (on Mac).
Select as many as desired. To select multiple fields, click on your choices while holding CTRL (on PC) or the Apple Key (on Mac).
Please provide 2-3 sentence description.
Minimum 5 characters
Re-enter the password. Make sure the passwords are identical.