2004 National Allium Research Conference
Oral Presentation - Flavor & Production


Jim Shrefler, Merritt Taylor, Warren Roberts

Wes Watkins Agricultural Research and Extension Center and Charles Webber - USDA-ARS South Central Agricultural Research Laboratory

Onions are a traditional home/market garden crop in Oklahoma. Recently, there has been interest in onions as a commercial crop. Producer information needs were found to include cultivar selection, weed control and transplant sources. Cultivar trials were conducted in 2002 and 2003 to determine if there were new varieties would be useful commercially. Cultivars used included short and intermediate day length types. Intermediate varieties tended to produce greater yields than short day types. To address weed control needs, field trials were conducted over 3 years with preemergence herbicides to identify effective options. Weed species included Physalis angulata, Euphorbia dentata, Amaranthus species, Cyperus esculentus, and annual grasses. Based on visual evaluations of weed control efficacy, mixtures of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen provided better control than either herbicide applied alone. Dimethenamid-p provided comparable control to mixtures of pendimethalin and oxyfluorfen and provided control of Cyperus esculentus. Most onion production in Oklahoma begins with out-of-state purchased of transplants. Occasionally these plants are of questionable quality and few cultivars are available as transplants. Trials were conducted in 2002 to 2003 to assess the potential to produce plants in unheated plastic houses. Onion cultivars Candy and 1015-Y were seeded in the plastic house in October, transplanted to the open field in early March and harvested when tops began to fall. Three seeding dates, 15, 21 and 29 Oct., were used. Candy had 11% bolting with the earliest planting and 1015-Y had only a trace of bolting with all plantings. Candy matured later than 1015-Y.

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