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Tallahassee 2009 - Submission Instructions & Forms

The deadline for submissions has passed.

If you have questions about the conference please contact the program committee.

If you have problems with the submission forms please contact Liza Piper at

Submission Instructions

General: You will not be able to save a partially completed form so please ensure that you have all contact information, abstracts, etc. ready for all participants before you go to the form.

Participants may only present one formal paper, but they may also engage in roundtable, chairing, or comment duties.

You are asked to supply up to 4 identifying keywords for your proposal.

Confirmation Email:

PLEASE NOTE: At present, the panel and roundtable forms are not sending confirmation emails automatically. I am working to resolve this problem, in the meantime I will respond to the panel/roundtable organizer with the confirmation email. If you don't receive this email within a week of your submission please contact me directly at Thank you and our apologies for any inconvenience.

Panel submissions: Please limit panels to three papers (commentator optional) or four papers and no commentator.  The panel form provides space to list up to five panel participants including presenters, commentators, and chairs and four paper abstracts. Sessions last 1.5 hours; plan the length of introductions, presentations, and comments so that your session includes ½ hour for discussion.

Roundtable submissions: A roundtable proposal typically includes a 400 word abstract describing the goals of the roundtable and the contributions by participants, as well as the names and contact information for a moderator and 4 to 5 participants. Roundtables must include at least 45 minutes for audience participation.

Papers & Posters: You may submit an individual paper proposal, but please be aware that acceptance rates are traditionally lower for these proposals, and we would encourage individual papers to consider a poster presentation.

Co-authored Papers: Co-authored papers are welcome submissions. Please provide the full contact information only for the co-author who will present the paper. If necessary, contact information for co-authors can be supplied under "Additional Information." Please do not use the panel form to submit co-authored papers.

Submission Forms

Poster Submission Form