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New since last time: 1 file, 967 messages
Welcome to the official Google Maps API Group, where you can discuss usage of the Maps & Mapplets API with fellow developers.


There are hundreds of experienced developers watching this group, answering questions and providing valuable feedback. Some of the most historically active posters are: Mike Williams (Econym), Barry Hunter, John Coryat (, and Andrew Leach (warden). Look for "Maps API Guru" after their name.

For latest news on the API, subscribe to the Google Geo Developers Blog and read any sticky posts at the top of this group's discussions.



Click here if you'd like to post a question in the group.                                                                  


Resources: Suggested Posting Guidelines | Issue Tracker | Developer's Guide  | API Class ReferenceArticles & Tutorials | Demo Gallery  | Developer-contributed Links  | BlogCase Studies

Related Groups: Google Maps API for Flash GroupKML Help Group |  AJAX Search APIs Group

Discussions7 of 141923 messages view all »
flag BEFORE YOU POST: Read our Suggested Posting Guidelines!
By pamela (Google Employee) - Sep 1 - 1 author - 0 replies
flag Blog post: Geocoding... in Reverse!
By pamela (Google Employee) - Oct 22 - 17 authors - 29 replies
flag FYI: Passing API classes in google.maps namespace with normal loader
By pamela (Google Employee) - Oct 23 - 5 authors - 10 replies
flag v2.134d pushed as v2x, v2.132d staying as v2 - 3 Bugs Fixed
By pamela (Google Employee) - Oct 27 - 5 authors - 5 replies
extinfowindow auto pans when zoomed out a lot
By Ralph Ames - 6:59pm - 2 authors - 1 reply
Pages2 of 16 pages view all »
Last updated by pamela (Google Employee) - Feb 6 2007 - 1 author - 1 page long
Last updated by pamela (Google Employee) - Jan 26 2007 - 1 author - 2 pages long
Files1 of 192 files view all »
Last updated by Chewbacca - Nov 4

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