Suggestions for Establishing a Blueberry Planting in Western North Carolina

Revised 11/98 HIL-201

Bill Cline and Gina Fernandez
Extension Horticultural Specialists
Department of Horticultural Science

Blueberry production in Western NC differs from the main commercial production areas in the southeastern part of the state because of differing climate and soil conditions. Highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum) should be used exclusively; rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei) will not consistently survive low winter temperatures that occur in Western NC. For general information on PYO and home blueberry production, see HIL-202, Blueberry Production for Local Sales and Pick-Your-Own Operations and HIL 8207, Growing Blueberries in the Home Garden. For specific information on pruning blueberries or on using overhead irrigation for frost/freeze protection, see HILs 201-B and 201-E, respectively.

Site Selection

Preparation of Land

Planting Tips

Cultivar Selection

Cultivar Name

Harvest Begins

Harvest Ends

Berry Size

Berry Color

Berry Flavor


6/15 to 7/1

7/15 to 8/1


dark blue



6/15 to 7/1

7/11 to 7/28


med blue



6/21 to 7/6

7/21 to 8/7


light blue



6/22 to 7/7

7/22 to 8/8


light blue



6/28 to 7/13

7/28 to 8/12


med blue



6/30 to 7/15

7/30 to 8/20


light blue

good, mild


7/3 to 7/19

8/3 to 8/20


dark blue



7/7 to 7/23

8/13 to 8/29


light blue



7/7 to 7/23

8/7 to 8/20


light blue

fair, mild


7/14 to 7/30

8/18 to 9/3


light blue



7/20 to 8/5

8/20 to 9/5


med blue

good, tart


7/30 to 8/15

8/30 to 9/15


light blue


* Varieties that have been grown successfully in mountain areas of NC. The other varieties are suggested for trial planting. Other cultivars worthy of trial use include 'Duke', ' Sunrise' and 'Toro'.

Availability of Plants

Nurseries usually have ample supply of plants priced from $0.50 to $3.00 per plant, depending on quantity, variety, and size. Two-year-old plants are preferred. Additional plants may be obtained in later years from locally grown cuttings. See HIL-8207 for a current list of blueberry nurseries.


Cultivate during the first year only to control weeds and grass. A 4- to 6-inch mulch of sawdust or bark helps control weeds and grass. Keep row middles mowed to conserve soil moisture and to keep the ground cover under control.


(Caution: Blueberry plants are easily damaged by too much fertilizer.) Acid-forming fertilizers that have little limestone filler are desirable. Special azalea or rhododendron fertilizers meet this requirement, but the price maybe prohibitive for more than a few bushes. A standard 12-12-12, 10-10-10 or 8-8-8 can be used if a special blueberry fertilizer is not available. The high analysis fertilizers such as 12-12-12 generally have lower amounts of limestone filler than lower analysis fertilizers like 8-8-8. Ammonium nitrate (33.5-0-0) or ammonium sulfate (20.5-0-0) are desirable sources of supplemental nitrogen. If the soil pH is below 5.0, use ammonium nitrate, but use ammonium sulfate for more acid forming effect if the pH is above 5.0. Special attention should be given to leaf yellowing (complete area of young and old leaves) caused by nitrogen deficiency when sawdust or bark was combined with the planting soil. Organisms in the soil deplete the available nitrogen and cause a deficiency for the blueberry plant as the sawdust or bark decomposes.

First Year — Uniformly distribute 16 lb of nitrogen per acre after the first flush of growth is complete (6 to 8 weeks after planting) within a band 1 ft on each side of the plant. The 16 lb of nitrogen are supplied by 133, 160 or 200 lb, respectively, of 12-12-12, 10-10-10 or 8-8-8.

Fertilizer can also be applied by hand around individual bushes. Uniformly distribute ½ oz (1 Tbsp) of 12-12-12 within a circle 1 ft from the plant. Use proportionately more 10-10-10 or 8-8-8. Repeat applications using ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate every 4 to 6 weeks until July 1. Extend application intervals during dry periods until rainfall has totaled 4 inches. Use 50 lb per acre of ammonium nitrate or 80 lb per acre of ammonium sulfate in a 2 ft band (1 ft on each side of the bush). This rate corresponds to about ¼ oz (½ Tbsp) ammonium nitrate or 3/8 oz (3/4 Tbsp) of ammonium sulfate within the circle 1 ft from the plant.

Second Year — Double the first-year rates, but increase the band width to 3 ft or the circle around individual plants to 1 ½ ft.

Bearing Plants — Apply 300-500 lb per acre of 12-12-12 or an equivalent amount of 10-10-10 or 8-8-8 in a 3-4 ft band. For individual bushes, apply the equivalent of ½ lb (1 cup) of 12-12-12 within a circle 3 ft from the plant. Sidedress with 30 lb of N (about 100 lb of ammonium nitrate or 150 lb of ammonium sulfate) per acre 4-6 weeks later. For individual bushes, this is 2 oz (¼ cup) of ammonium nitrate or 3 oz (3/8 cup) of ammonium sulfate.

Insect and Disease Control

Insects and diseases have not been serious problems; however, check for damage periodically. Wild blueberries are common in western North Carolina; and, therefore, some pest problems may be expected at one time or another. For more detailed information, refer to N.C. Extension Bulletin AG-468, Diseases and Arthropod Pests of Blueberry.

Published by

North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service

Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University at Raleigh, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.