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Volunteerism Area of Expertise    
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About The Volunteerism AoE Detach


Volunteerism Area of Expertise Team

An Overview


Volunteers are a key component of the delivery system for Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) educational programs.  Volunteers expand and extend the resources of the university to all parts of our communities in ways that current budgets and human resources do not allow.  The effective development, management and administration of volunteer-driven programs is becoming a larger part of all MSUE staff roles.  


The Volunteerism Area of Expertise (AOE) team was formed in March 1999 to begin to address the need for comprehensive training and development of all MSUE staff in the areas of volunteer development, management and administration within Michigan State University Extension (MSUE).


  • Volunteer development refers to expanding and realizing the potential of volunteers. Volunteer development efforts focus on the individual and have a strong leadership emphasis. 
  • Volunteer management focuses on the organizational processes and systems used to support volunteers and achieve consistent program results. 
  • Volunteer administration refers to accountability related to the larger processes of program planning and organization, staffing, risk management and financial management through volunteer-driven efforts.
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Management Structure

Volunteerism AoE Management Structure:



There will be a campus-based co-chair and a county-based co-chair. The campus-based co-chair will remain constant and the county-based co-chair will rotate on an annual basis. Appointment of the new co-chair will occur in the Spring with responsibilities to begin at the Fall Meeting. The co-chairs are responsible for pulling together meeting agendas, chairing the meetings of the full team and representing the AOE at MSUE administrative functions.


Past Co-Chair: 

The immediate Past Co-Chair will serve as the co-chair of meetings if the current co-chair can not attend. They will be given the title of “AOE Nagger”. This person will be responsible for supporting and encouraging sub-committees to complete tasks.



The Secretary will be elected from the committee membership each Spring. This will be a one-year commitment. This person is responsible for keeping minutes of meetings and sending them to the full committee. At the end of the year, this person will move into the county co-chair role. The term of service will start with the Fall meeting.


Team Coach:

Facilitates the work of the AOE team, through the co-chairs. Assists with integrating the work of the team into the organization and across other AOE teams.


The Communicator is responsible for overseeing the marketing efforts of the AOE Team. They will assist the team with marketing of educational offerings, promotion of curricula and other activities as they occur.


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Highlights Detach

New County Commissioner Training

For more than 30 years, MSU Extension and the Michigan Association of Counties have offered the New County Commissioner workshop series and other educational opportunities for new and returning commissioners, administrators and county officials. New commissioners are encourage to attend one of the six New County Commissioner Workshops, designed to help you learn about the challenges and responsibilities of this new role. For more information see the brochure, talk with your local Extension office or  click here to register now.  

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Mission, Vision & Action Steps

Mission, Vision and Action Steps 

Volunteers are a key component of the delivery system for Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) educational programs. Volunteers expand and extend the resources of the university to all parts of our communities in ways that current budgets and human resources do not allow. The effective development, management and administration of volunteer-driven programs is becoming a larger part of all MSUE staff roles. The Volunteerism Area Of Expertise Team was created to assist the organization in building skills among staff in this area. This group is actively involved in curriculum development, training and research.



MSUE staff will be experts in volunteerism



To provide educational leadership in effective volunteerism.



The AOE team is made up of representatives of all MSU Extension program areas. . The team meets on a quarterly basis. The primary audience and focus of this AOE is the staff development needs of MSUE staff as they relate to all aspects of volunteerism.



To increase the research and knowledge base of MSU Extension related to volunteer development, management, and administration.


Objective: Build a foundation of research-based knowledge among MSUE staff related to all aspects of volunteerism.

    • Create a loan library of volunteerism resources for MSUE staff.
    • Develop a series of white papers to be posted on the web site and disseminated to MSUE staff on selected topics in volunteerism.
    • Participate in non-Extension sponsored volunteer development conferences to expand the knowledge base of AOE team members.
    • Create a web site for the Volunteerism AOE that outlines our vision, mission, goals and objectives, operating structure and activities.

To enhance the skills of MSU Extension staff related to volunteer development, management and administration.


Objective: Provide training opportunities for all MSUE staff related to all aspects of volunteer development, management, and administration.

  • Offer training at MSUE Fall Conference, Spring Conferences and other appropriate venues on regular basis.
  • Create a plan for training and technical assistance, with support from MSUE Staff Development Committee, that addresses the training needs of new staff, mid-career and tenured staff.
  • Develop a comprehensive volunteerism curricula to support staff development within MSUE. 

To increase MSU Extension’s understanding, acknowledgment and support of all staff’s role as volunteer administrators.


Objective: Educate MSUE staff and administration on the skills needed to effectively administer volunteer-driven programs and build support for and acknowledgment of the importance of those skills.

  • Develop a white paper on volunteer administration that outlines and defines the skills needed to effectively administer volunteer-driven programs.

To proactively assess and address emerging issues in volunteerism.


Objective: Monitor the field of volunteerism to identify emerging issues relevant to MSUE & partners.


  • Stay current with the research and professional literature related to volunteerism.
  • Continuously scan the environment for emerging issues that are relevant to MSUE.
  • Recommend training or other interventions/support needed by MSUE staff prior to problems occurring within the organization.

Extend the resources of MSU Extension and the Volunteerism Area of Expertise Team to outside partners to build community leadership capacity.


Objective: Provide training and technical assistance to community-based partners and other non-profits in the filed of volunteerism.

  • Offer training provided to MSUE staff to outside agencies and organizations.
  • Collaborate with MSU departments and other AOE teams to provide training and coursework related to volunteerism.

One method of achieving these goals is the development of a series of informational papers on topics related to volunteer development, management and administration within Michigan State University Extension.  These papers can be found on this web site by clicking on the Volunteerism Research & Recommendations heading in the left hand column of this page. (insert web address).  The AoE Team also provides workshops and seminars for staff on a regional and statewide basis. 


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MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Thomas G. Coon, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. This information is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned.