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Risk of Human-Induced Desertification Map

Risk of Human-Induced Desertification Map

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  • Key Words: desertification, desertification risk map
  • About the Map: The Risk of Human-Induced Desertification is based on an overlay of the global desertification map and a global population density map.
  • Possible Uses of the Map: Useful for teachers and students who are interested in the global distribution of human-induced desertification. Global modelers may be able to use the data for small scale analysis.
  • Source: Desertification map, USDA-NRCS, Soil Survey Division, World Soil Resources, Washington D.C. Population density map, Tobler, W., V. Deichmann, J. Gottsegen, and K. Maloy. 1995. The global demography project. Technical Report TR-95-6. National Center for Geographic Information analysis. Univ. Santa Barbara, CA. 75 pp.
  • Data Aggregation and Reliability: The map data is rasterized on a 2 minute grid cell.
  • Data Definitions: Four risk classes are defined based on desertification vulnerability and population density.
  • Data Disclaimer: Country boundaries are not authoritative.
  • Database Manager: Paul Reich, Geographer, World Soil Resources. Email: paul.reich@usda.gov
Map Production Information
  • Map Identification: dsrtrisk.jpg
  • Production Date: 1999
  • Geographic Coverage: Global
  • Projection: Geographic
  • Minimum Scale: 1:5,000,000

This page last updated on September 8, 2003.

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