Sustainable Practices for Vegetable Production in the South

NC State UniversityDr. Mary Peet

Other WWW Resources

IPM-Insects |IPM-Diseases | IPM-Weeds | Pesticides |Sustainable Agriculture | Organic Production | International Sites | Information Resources |Agricultural Search Engines | Marketing and Economics | Food Safety | Postharvest | Vegetable Production | Agricultural Services | Composting | Special Commodities and Recipes


Cornell University Biological Control Home Page

Cornell University Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management

Biological Control Virtual Information Center-NCSU

IPM - Fruits & Vegetables at University of Illinois

University of Georgia IPM Images

IPM in New York State-Vegetables

National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS)

USDA Regional IPM Centers Information System

NCSU Entomology Insect Pests of Vegetables

NCSU Entomology Vegetable Insect Information Notes

NCSU Plant Disease and Insect Clinic

N. C. Pest Management Information Program

Florida Tomato Scouting Guide

University of California IPM Online

University of Connecticut Vegetable IPM

Searchable Database for Biopesticide and Organic Pest Management Solutions

IPM-Diseases (see also IPM sites above)

Cornell Vegetable MD Online

NCSU Plant Disease Information Notes -- Vegetables

NCSU Plant Disease and Insect Clinic

Parasitic Nematodes Home Page

Florida Tomato Scouting Guide

Michigan Potato Diseases

Searchable Database for Biopesticide and Organic Pest Management Solutions

IPM-Weeds (see also IPM sites above)

Weed Images-Rutgers


Pesticide Information

California EPA Department of Pesticide Registration

Cornell University Pesticide Label Information

EPA Pesticide Registration Information

University of Connecticut: Pesticides for Organic Growers

USDA/OPMP/PIAP Crop Profiles Database

National Pesticide Telecommunications Network

North Carolina AgChemical Manual


Sustainable Agriculture

Chatham County Center, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service-Growing Small Farms

The Missouri Alternatives Center

National Agricultural Library Alternative Farming Information Site

National Agricultural Library Sustainable Agriculture Resources

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service

Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SR-SARE)

Sustainable Agriculture Network

UC Small Farm Center

National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service

University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

USDA Sustainable Development

Organic Production

Organic Vegetable Production in California

National Agricultural Library Organic Food Production

Organic Ag Info

Organic Materials Review Institute

N. C. Organic Resources

The New Farm

Organic Certification Guide

National Organic Program

Suppliers of Seed for Certified Organic Prodution

Pesticides for Organic Growers

Cornell University Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management




Global Network on Rural Development and Food Security

International Agricultural Research Centers


Information Resources

The National Agricultural Library

State Partners of the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service

University of California Small Farm Center


Agricultural Search Engines



Organic Ag Info



Manure Composting Manual

Marketing and Economics


Census of Agriculture

Cornell University-Marketing and Economics of Organic Agriculture

Federal/State Market News: Farm Market Prices

Global Agribusiness Information Network

LSU Ag Center 2007 Projected Commodity Costs and Returns


National Agricultural Statistics Service

NCDA Division of Marketing

New Farm Organic Price Index

Overview of the NC Organic Industry

Rutgers Crop Rotational Budgets for 3 Cropping Systems in the Northeast

USDA Economic Research Service-Tomatoes Overview

USDA Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002

USDA Economics and Statistics System

USDA Market Reports

Vegetable Production Information

Ohio Vegetable Production Guide Bulletin 672-03

Chatham County Center, NCES-Cover Crops for Sustainable Production

Cornell Integrated Crop and Management Recommendations for Commercial Vegetables

General Information for Vegetables-NCSU Extension

Illinios Fruit & Vegetable News

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers

Ohio State University PLANTfacts

Oklahoma State Extension Publications / Horticulture - Vegetables

Oregon State Commercial Vegetable Production Guides and Links

Organic Ag Info

PLANT answers Vegetable Information-Texas-A&M

UC SAREP Online Cover Crop Database

USDA/OPMP/PIAP Crop Profiles Database

Virginia Information Resources-Fruits and Vegetables

Cornell University Resources for Commercial Growers


NC Agricultural Services

NCDA Agronomic Division Plant, Waste & Solution Analytical Services

North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

The State Climate Office of North Carolina

Food Safety and Nutrition

EXTOXNET - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork            

Nutrition Facts Analyzer

USDA Foodborne Illness Information Center

USDA Nutrient Database



Ethylene Control, Inc. Technical Sheets

Postharvest Cooling and Handling - Biological and Agricultural Engineering-NCSU

UC Davis Postharvest Technology Produce Facts

Special Commodities and Recipes 


Searchable Online Archive of Receipes (SOAR)
Vegetable Recipes


Chile Heat Scale
The Chile Pepper Institute


Iowa State Website on origin, history and biology of maize


Growing Gourds


Spudman Magazine


World Class Giant Pumpkins
Dill's Atlantic Giant


Frieda's Homepage
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
List of Alternative Crops & Enterprises for Small Farm Diversification


California Fresh Tomatoes
Florida Tomato Committee Webpage
Florida Tomato Scouting Guide


National Watermelon Promotion Board



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Sustainable Practices for Vegetable Production in the South

Last Modified: Monday, October 27, 2008 3:33 PM