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Michigan State University Extension
Water Area of Expertise (AOE)  

What's New?Taped Session for the New Water Withdrawal
                      Legislation (see WQ Projects)

Who We Are
The Water AOE is a multidisciplinary team composed of MSU faculty, specialist and Extension agents (see WQ AoE).  Our goals include:

  • Increasing awareness of surface water and groundwater resources
  • Increasing behaviors that protect the integrity of surface water and groundwater resources
  • Preventing degradation of groundwater and surface water resources
  • Improving the integrity of groundwater and surface water resources.

We address these goals by:

  • Developing educational and outreach materials
  • Providing training
  • Empowering local community leaders
  • Improving citizen access to water quality and quantity information and expertise
  • Providing web based water resources
  • Establishing cooperation and coordination with other groups working on water related issues.

This web site is designed to provide ready access to MSU Extension water related publications, projects and programs and link to other sites concerned with water quality and quantity issues. 


Michigan State University Extension

Site Design: Alex Morese
Current Webmaster: Ruth Kline-Robach and Lois Wolfson
Copyright © 2002 Michigan State University
MSU is an affirmative action equal opportunity employer.