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Berkeley Lab Library

Welcome to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Library
Gateway To Information Resources

The Laboratory's library branches have a unique collection to meet the needs of the researchers. Our online catalog enables you to search all the collections. You can also view the current month's new book list.

In addition, through this web site, the Library provides ready access to rich national and international resources such as electronic journals, databases, reference material, and other online information.

Library Journals Survey

The minutes and other documents related to the LBNL Library Committee are available at the LBNL Library Committee website.

Library Group Organization Chart      Privacy and Security Notice


We are interested in hearing any suggestions, descriptions of problems, or things that we might include on our web pages. We will also accept reference inquiries through this page from LBNL staff.

NOTE: Sorry we cannot assist the general public with reference inquiries. The Berkeley Lab Library provides reference services to the Berkeley Lab scientists and staff. People who work for other institutions should ask their libraries for assistance.

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Web pages content: Technical computing issues:
Library Staff Jose Olivares
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
One Cyclotron Road One Cyclotron Road
Mailstop: 50-4034 Mailstop: 50-4034
Berkeley, CA 94720 Berkeley, CA 94720
Phone: 510-486-5621 Phone: 510-486-6871
Fax: 510-486-6406 Fax: 510-486-6406

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Last modified Thursday, 21-Aug-08 08:39:15
