$2 Million Available to Address Michigan’s Plant Agriculture Challenges


Contact:  Natalie Ebig Scott
517-432-1555, ext. 171

EAST LANSING, Mich. -- Project GREEEN (Generating Research and Extension to meet Economic and Environmental Needs), Michigan’s plant agriculture initiative at Michigan State University (MSU), has issued its request for proposals (RFP) for fiscal year 2009.
More than $2 million will be available for funding research projects in 2009. Up to $1.05 million has been designated for new projects, with the remaining $1.05 million available for funding continuation of multiyear projects started in fiscal years 2007 and 2008.

An RFP application and a complete listing of updated plant commodity research and educational priorities can be found at www.greeen.msu.edu.

Proposals will be accepted in three categories: basic research, applied research and Extension/education/demonstration. All Michigan State University and Michigan Department of Agriculture employees are eligible to apply for funding. There is no restriction on employment status of team members.

All Project GREEEN funding proposals should clearly demonstrate how the project will benefit Michigan’s plant-based agriculture industries. Research and Extension activities should complement ongoing programs or assist in exploring new ventures. All proposals will be evaluated by peer review panels composed of researchers, educators and industry professionals.

During the 2008 fiscal year, Project GREEEN awarded $1.5 million in grants for 50 new research projects. Another $1 million was directed toward multiyear projects that started in 2006 or 2007. All funded projects address critical research and education priorities identified by the state’s plant commodity and stakeholder groups.

Applications are due by 5 p.m. Jan. 5, 2009. Awards will be announced in early March, with funds becoming available in April.

Founded in 1997, Project GREEEN is a cooperative effort between plant-based commodities and businesses together with the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, MSU Extension and the Michigan Department of Agriculture to advance Michigan’s economy through its plant-based agriculture. Its mission is to develop research and educational programs in response to industry needs, ensure and improve food safety, and protect and preserve the quality of the environment.

To learn more about Michigan’s plant agriculture initiative at MSU, visit

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