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Manure Land Application and Irrigation Equipment

Last Updated: July 29, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Welcome to the land application and irrigation equipment of animal manure webpage. Our goal is to bring to you the best research-based information on equipment used to apply livestock and poultry manure in an environmentally sustainable manner.

The equipment needed depends on whether solid or slurry/liquid manure is being land applied. The following pages discuss equipment needs for each type:

Recommended Reading About Manure Application and Irrigation Equipment

Manure Application Frequently Asked Questions

  • FAQ 27563 How should the financial costs of manure application be computed or presented?
  • FAQ 27569 How do I capture higher net value for my manure in land application?
  • FAQ 27562 What are the relevant costs associated with manure application and transportation?
  • FAQ 27183 Why use irrigation instead of honey wagons or liquid tankers (with or w/o injection) to land apply wastewater or liquid wastes from an animal waste storage pond or treatment lagoon?
  • FAQ 27596 What costs are associated with the land application of poultry litter?

Authors: Jon Rausch, Ohio State University and Ted Tyson, Auburn

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