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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Index of Common Names: F

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

African Spider Flower
Alpine Forget-Me-Not
Alpine French Honeysuckle
American Fireweed
Annual Fleabane
Asparagus Fern
Bai Bei Feng
Balloon Flower
Balsam Fir
Bamboo Fern
Banana Passion Fruit
Bastard Fig
Bastard Toad Flax
Bastard Toad Flax
Beach Flax Lily
Berry Bladder Fern
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Bird's Foot Violet
Birdsfoot Fenugreek
Black Tree Fern
Blanket Flower
Blue Flag
Blue Flax Lily
Blue Funnel Lily
Blue Sausage Fruit
Bristly Fiddleneck
Brittle Bladder Fern
Buerger's Figwort
Bush Moon Flower
California False Hellebore
Californian Red Fir
Canada Fleabane
Cardinal Flower
Carolina False Dandelion
Carrion Flower
Caucasian Fir
Chain Fern
Chinese Fir
Chinese Flowering Apple
Chinese Fountain Grass
Chinese Foxglove
Christmas Fern
Cinnamon Fern
Cock's Foot
Colorado Fir
Common Everlasting Flower
Cone Flower
Cone Flower
Crested Wood Fern
Cuckoo Flower
Cuckoo Flower
Day Flower
Desert Fan Palm
Douglas Fir
Dwarf Fan Palm
Dwarf Fern-Leaf Bamboo
Elegant Fairyfan
Everlasting Flower
Fairies Thimbles
Fairy Grass
False Buckwheat
False China Root
False Cleavers
False Huckleberry
False Indigo
False Jasmine
False Mistletoe
False Nettle
False Pak Choi
False Roselle
False Spikenard
False Toadflax
Fan Columbine
Fang Feng
Fat Hen
Fawn Lily
Feltleaf Wiillow
Fendler's Ceanothus
Fendler's Flatsedge
Fendler's Springparsley
Fennel-Leaved Pondweed
Fern Asparagus
Fernleaf Biscuitroot
Fernleaf Licorice Root
Fever Bush
Few-Flowered Leek
Fewleaved Dock
Fiddle Dock
Field Bindweed
Field Eryngo
Field Garlic
Field Gromwell
Field Horsetail
Field Madder
Field Maple
Field Marigold
Field Milk Thistle
Field Mouse-Ear Chickweed
Field Pea
Field Scabious
Field Southernwood
Field Speedwell
Fig-Leaved Goosefoot
Fine-Leaved Vetch
Finger Millet
Finger Poppy Mallow
Fir Clubmoss
Fire Heath
Fire Lily
Fire Lily
Fireberry Hawthorn
Flaky Fir
Flaky Juniper
Flannel Flower
Flat-Topped Goldenrod
Flax Lily
Flax Lily
Flax Lily
Flax-Leaved Daphne
Flax-Leaved Paper-Bark
Floating Manna Grass
Florence Fennel
Florida Evergreen Blueberry
Flower Of An Hour
Flowering Almond
Flowering Almond
Flowering Currant
Flowering Currant
Flowering Dogwood
Flowering Rush
Fly Honeysuckle
Fly Orchid
Fly Poison
Fodder Radish
Foetid Bugbane
Foetid Goosefoot
Fool's Parsley
Foothill Clover
Forest Oak
Formosan Gum
Fountain Bamboo
Four O'clock Plant
Fourleaf Milkweed
Fowl Manna Grass
Foxglove Tree
Foxtail Barley
Foxtail Millet
Fragrant Bedstraw
Fragrant Olive
Fragrant Orchid
Fragrant Snakeroot
Fragrant Virgin's Bower
Fragrant Water Lily
Fragrant Wintergreen
Fragrant Woodfern
French Bean
French Hales
French Hales
French Lavender
French Marigold
French Psyllium
French Rose
French Scorzonera
French Vetch
Friar's Cowl
Fringe Cups
Fringe Tree
Fringed Lily
Fringed Pink
Fringed Wormwood
Frost Grape
Frost Grape
Frosted Hawthorn
Fuji Cherry
Fuller's Teasel
Fulvous Popcornflower
Giant Fennel
Giant Holly Fern
Giant White Fawnlily
Glory Flower
Grand Fir
Great Purple Monkey Flower
Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil
Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil
Grecian Fir
Grecian Foxglove
Greenleaf Five Eyes
Guan Fang Chi
Hard Fern
Hard Shield Fern
Hart's Tongue Fern
Hen And Chicken Fern
Henderson's Fawn Lily
Himalayan Fir
Hog's Fennel
Holly Fern
Holy Flax
Honey Flower
Honey Flower
Hottentot Fig
Hottentot Fig
Howell's Fawn Lily
Interrupted Fern
Japanese Chaff Flower
Kiwi Fruit
Knotted Figwort
Korean Pasque Flower
Lady Fern
Large Flowered Hemp Nettle
Large Yellow Foxglove
Licorice Fern
Lion's Foot
Maidenhair Fern
Male Fern
Marsh Fern
Marsh Fleawort
Marsh Hog's Fennel
Mexican Orange Flower
Momi Fir
Monkey Flower
Moreton Bay Fig
Mountain Bladder Fern
Mountain Male Fern
Mt. St. Helena Fawm Lily
Mule's Fat
Musk Monkey Flower
Narrow Buckler Fern
Native Flax
New Zealand Flax
Nikko Fir
Noble Fir
Northern Fox Grape
Old Field Cinquefoil
Orange Flameflower
Ostrich Fern
Ostrich Fern
Painted Fern
Pale Fawn Lily
Pale Flax
Pale-Flowered Fritillary
Parsley Fern
Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower
Pasque Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Passion Flower
Perennial Flax
Pheasant's Foot Geranium
Philadelphia Fleabane
Pig's Face
Pink Fawn Lily
Pink Fivecorner
Pretty Face
Prince's Feather
Prince's Feather
Purging Flax
Purple Flag
Purple Fritillary
Rattlesnake Fern
Red Fir
Ressurection Fern
Royal Fern
Rusty Foxglove
Sacred Fir
Sandpaper Fig
Scale Fern
Sea Fig
Sensitive Fern
Sheep's Fescue
Shield Fern
Shoo Fly
Shortawn Foxtail
Siberian Filbert
Siberian Fir
Silver Fir
Slenderleaf False Foxglove
Snakehead Fritillary
Spiny Wood Fern
Subalpine Fir
Sweet Fennel
Sweet Fenugreek
Sweet Fern
Sweet Fern
Sweet Flag
Sweet Hottentot Fig
Tarweed Fiddleneck
Tassel Flower
Tiger Flower
Trailing Fuchsia
Tree Fern
Tree Fern
Tuolumne Fawn Lily
Twining Fringed Lily
Veitch Fir
Water Forget-Me-Not
Water Fringe
West Himalayan Fir
White False Indigo
Wild Fennel
Wild Fig
Wild Four O'clock Plant
Wind Flower
Xuan Fu Hua
Xuan Fu Hua
Yellow Fennel Flower
Yellow Flag
Yellow Foxglove
Yellow Fritillary
Yellow Monkey Flower
Zabala Fruit

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

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