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Organic Production
Basket of fruits and vegetables.
Organic production is a system that integrates "cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity." (Source: NOP) Find subject guides and links related to:
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USDA: Organic Farming
United States Department of Agriculture.
This 1980 Report and Recommendations on Organic Farming summarizes findings of a comprehensive study and assessment of organic farming in the United States and Europe.
How to Go Organic - Resource for Organic Transitioning
Organic Trade Association
Pathway to Organic offers a wealth of information for farmers and processors transitioning to organic production. Features searchable North American Organic Directory and guides to key organic resources by region and by sector.
Statistics About Organic Farming and Organic Markets/Marketing: Selected Resources
USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
Find U.S. and international data about organic acreage, sales, prices and more from government, industry and organizational sources.
Organic Roots
USDA. NAL. Alternative Farming Systems Information Center.
Search Organic Agriculture Information Access (Organic Roots), an electronic collection of historic USDA publications related to organic agriculture. Contains almost 200 documents published before 1942 (before synthetic chemicals became widely used) that contain data that are still very pertinent for today's agriculture.
Organic Farming
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Access ATTRA's full-text publications on organic farming topics. They cover organic certification and regulations, history, production of specific crops and livestock, pest control, soils and fertilizers and business and marketing. Lists organic agriculture experts, organizations and other information sources.
Organic Agriculture Consortium. Scientific Congress on Organic Agricultural Research.
Review "scientifically-based or practically validated information about organic agriculture." Search or browse by commodity, region, subject or other identifying term. Learn about organic crop and livestock production, certification requirements, transition strategies, farmer experiences, economic data, research results and more.
Data Sets: Organic Production
USDA. Economic Research Service.
Data, presented in 57 tables, show the change in U.S. organic acreage and livestock numbers from 1992 to 2006.
Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers
Canadian Organic Growers; Certified Organic Assocations of British Columbia.
Works to facilitate organic food production in Canada and increase farmer access to electronic information. A "Learning" section focuses on organic crop and livestock production, production systems, marketing, certification, soil testing and animal welfare. Offers access to full text news articles and a database of seed sources for Canadian growers.
Complete Results of the Fourth National Organic Farmers' Survey: Sustaining Organic Farms in a Changing Organic Marketplace  (PDF|761 KB)
Organic Farming Research Foundation.
The results of the Organic Farming Research Foundation's 2001 survey of organic farmers in the United States offers insight into "organic farmers' experiences, attitudes and needs around marketing organic products."
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Last Modified: Aug 15, 2008  
Organic Production
    Organic Culture: Crops and Gardening
    Organic Livestock
    Standards and Certification
    USDA Programs
Two girls at a computer representing Educational and Training Opportunities in Sustainable Agriculture
See Also
    Research and Literature Databases
    USDA Web Resource - Organic Certification
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