What's New?

  • Strategic realignment overview [PPT]
  • Realigning Communications [PPT]

Strategic Realignment Program

Under the leadership of  the Director General, Mr. Francis Gurry, WIPO has embarked on a comprehensive Strategic Realignment Program. The aim is to ensure that WIPO's goals, structures, programs and resources are  focused and streamlined in such a way as to enable the Organization, as the lead intergovernmental body for intellectual property, to fulfill its mandate effectively within a rapidly evolving external environment. 

This organizational reform process began on October 1, 2008, when Francis Gurry took office. It is expected to take up to two years to complete.  These web pages will be updated throughout the process in order to keep Member States and other stakeholders informed of plans and progress. 

A three-stream approach

The realignment process seeks to address, in parallel, the following three overlapping “streams” of organizational improvement:

Stream 1: Changing the corporate culture

This stream will focus on:

  • instilling shared, core values;
  • promoting a high performance culture, through the introduction of improved results-based management, evaluation and appraisal processes at all levels;
  • establishing a customer service and stakeholder focussed corporate culture.

Stream 2: Re-engineering horizontal business processes

In order to improve service levels and efficiencies, and to prepare for the introduction of an IT-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, the core administrative and management processes, which underpin WIPO's ability to function efficiently, will be reviewed and re-engineered. These include notably:

  • human resources processes
  • IT systems
  • procurement
  • budgetary and financial processes

Stream 3: Restructuring programs and resources in line with the strategic goals

Having re-defined the medium-term strategic goals, all of WIPO's programs, organizational structures and resources need to be realigned to those strategic goals. Each WIPO unit will be reviewed in turn, following a published timetable, in order to:

  • clarify the mission, objectives, targets and performance indicators in relation to the strategic goals;
  • define the staff, skills and budgetary resources needed to achieve these results.

Start up actions

The Director General has identified a number of rapid start-up actions and adjustments which are needed in advance of the sector-by-sector realignment process.  All preliminary reorganization carried out in the context of these adjustments will also be subject to the systematic review process in slower time. Early actions have included:

  • preliminary streamlining of the finance and budget department;
  • identifying skills gaps in certain key strategic positions (e.g. Chief Economist, Chief Information Officer, Director of Human Resources, Director of Global Challenges) and launching open competitions to fill them;
  • establishing a Development Agenda Coordination Division. 

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