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Lake Surface Temperature Reporting System
This reporting system is a cooperative project between the NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes Regional Node located at the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor and the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network. Created & maintained by Michigan Sea Grant and the MSU Remote Sensing & GIS Research and Outreach Services. Supported by MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and MSU Extension.

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NOTICE: One of the satellites which provides the temperature data for Sea Grant CoastWatch (NOAA-16) sometimes fails to gather accurate data needed to create the surface temperature charts. NOAA is working on a timely resolution to this very important problem. In the interim, we have suspended use of NOAA-16 and are adjusting processing times to other satellite passes.

Most questions can be answered by your Sea Grant Agent or on our CoastWatch Help Pages. Send comments or bug reports to Please include the name of the location or file that's giving you trouble, as well as the type of software you are running.

U of M
Michigan State
Lake Superior Lake Michigan Lake Huron Lake Erie Lake Ontario