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Support ASEH

ASEH offers a variety of benefits to environmental scholars, including annual awards for the best book, article, and dissertation in environmental history.  We also award annual travel grants and a minority grant to fund participation in our annual conferences.  Recently we established two research fellowships, and we are in the process of developing an internship program.  Our journal, Environmental History, jointly published with the Forest History Society, is described in the "Publications" section of this website.

If you would like to make a donation to ASEH, please contact:

Mark Madison

Treasurer ASEH

National Conservation Center

698 Conservation Way

Shepherdstown, WV 25443


Bequests and Planned Giving

Bequests and planned giving are important to the ASEH's future.  To learn more about bequests and planned giving, please contact us at

If you have already included the ASEH in your estate planning and have not notified us, please inform us so that we can thank you.

Forms to Download for Specific or General Donations

Hal Rothman Research Grant for Graduate Students

Matching Fund Campaign for Executive Director

Donation Form