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Vegetative Treatment Systems Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: July 30, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Commonly Asked Questions about Vegetative Treatment Systems

  1. What do you need to do to a VTS to keep the system operational in the winter? If you only hold water in a basin for 7 days without a liner, what happens over the winter season?
  2. How is the sprinkler system you describe different from a conventional wastewater irrigation system?
  3. What additional Operation and Maintenance is needed for vegetated treatment systems?
  4. Is anyone looking at long term groundwater issues underneath these systems?
  5. Is there a zero discharge regulation related to vegetated treatment systems or other alternative treatment systems?
  6. How do you know if you have a release from vegetated treatment area during the rainfall event that is from VTA?
  7. What soil properties are preferred for vegetated treatment areas?
  8. Do the settling basin, vegetated treatment area, and vegetated infiltration basin have to meet requirements in Appendix 10D of NRCS Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook?
  9. I work in a clay pan area with perched water tables. How would these systems operate if put on clay pan situations?
  10. Will the data from these studies be used to verify the SPAW model for feedlot runoff and VTA systems?
  11. Any work on nutrient concentrations? Do the vegetated treatment areas get overloaded with phosphorus?
  12. Have any of the vegetated treatment areas been implemented for feed storage and feed handling areas?
  13. What basin storage design capacity is used for the IOWA VTAs and is the overflow from those being considered in the modeling comparisons with conventional holding pond systems?
  14. Do you plant wetland plants in any of these basins to help absorb nutrients?
  15. Has it been demonstrated, and how has it been demonstrated, that any of the vegetated treatment systems (VTSs) achieve runoff control equivalent to the federal effluent guideline requirement that there be no discharge from a CAFO except for the overflow from a system designed and operated to retain the 25 year-24 hour storm event due to an event in excess of the 25 year-24 hour event?

Page developed and maintained by Chris Henry, Rick Koelsch, both of the University of Nebraska Extension and Lara Moody, Iowa State University.
Page reviewed by: Mark Rice, North Carolina State University

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