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Equipment and Software for Manure Composting

Last Updated: July 30, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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Composting Equipment & Software

  • Engineered Compost Systems is a company that designs and manufactures equipment, including CompTroller(tm) compost control and monitoring systems, aeration hardware, motor controls, feedstock mixers, product refinement equipment, ASP pile building conveyors and transfer conveyor systems. They also provide technical support for compost process and facility design and trouble-shooting, pro-forma facility analysis, compost marketing support, and operator training.
  • Green Mountain Technologies designs and manufactures in-vessel composting equipment. It also supplies compost management software and instrumentation, including 1)Windrow Manager 2.0 Software which includes a handheld Pocket PC, probe for temperature and oxygen sampling, and desktop software; 2)Compost Lab, a full suite of tools for managing compost batch data; and 3)Compost Calc – Recipe Software for predicting success of compost batches beforehand.
  • Reotemp Instruments is a California composting company manufacturing bimetal thermometers, pressure gauges, diaphragm seals and related accessories, moisture meters, the EcoProbe wireless monitoring system that allows monitoring from the office and the Compost Data Logger that records up to 16,000 temperature readings over extended periods and is downloadable to computers.
  • Industrial Telemetry, Inc., an Oklahoma Company, provides the BioMESH WindRow Control software program designed to allow the user to track the building and managing of the WindRows, static or turned, of a compost facility using patented transceiver/repeater REALMESH radio telemetry coupled with some of ITI’s sophisticated mapping techniques to transmit and track information while supporting simultaneous manual data entry.
  • Midwest Bio-Systems manufactures specialized equipment for the production of humified compost. The Aeromaster line of compost turning equipment includes pull-type and self-propelled compost turners, water trailers, probes, thermometers, sulfide test kits, windrow covers and Aeromaster service parts. The Advanced Composting System line of inoculants include the N-Converter, Humifier and Finisher products.
  • Renewable Carbon Management, LLC sells and licenses the NaturTech Composting System for converting organic materials into value added commodities. It is a biofiltration, in-vessel composting system that can be located in the smallest area possible with production ranging in size from 4 to 1000 tons/day. Programs can be implemented within 5 to 75 days, depending on the complexity of the process.
  • Compost Wizard software program uses critical user-inputs such as types of feedstocks, types of equipment, number of workers and location of the facility, to develop a preliminary design of the composting process and facility, and an estimate of capital and operating costs. The user can quickly generate many different design scenarios that can be used to estimate the feasibility of composting as a waste management option.

Author: Jason Governo, University of Georgia

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