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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Links: Reedbeds

Systems:Agroforestry(23) Farming(19) General Gardening(47) Organics(47) Permaculture(56) Permaculture Design(19) Sustainable Agriculture(30) Urban Permaculture(21) Vegan organics(13) Woodland Gardening(27)
Specialities:Ally Cropping(4) Bee plants(7) Bio-diversity(16) botanical illustration(8) Compost(28) Drylands(9) Hemp(4) Hydrology(6) Ponds(14) Rare Plants/Heritage Seeds(22) Reedbeds(10) Reforestation(9) Soil(18) Swales(6) Traditional Plant Uses(27) Tree nursary(10) Trees and Woodlands(39) Water/Wetlands(11) Wild Food/Foraging(15) Wild Plants(29) Wilderness (11) Wildlife/Conservation(20)
Plant Uses:Biomass(10) Coppicing(15) Dyes(6) Edible Flowers(30) Fibres(11) Fruit Crops(28) Fungi(14) Hedging(19) Herbs and Medicinal Plants(45) House plants(22) native plants(28) New Crops(15) Non Food Crops(12) Oil crops(8) Perennials(34) Root crops(31) Soaps(6) Trees(52)
Ethics:Agriculture(20) Climate Change(19) Environment(38) Food Issues(11) Genetics/GMO(7) Landrights(6) Local Food(21) Public Domain(5) Raw Food(15) Vegan(12) Vegetarian(10)
Related:Animal Rights(3) Appropriate Technology(14) Blagdon Cross local area(3) Comunity composting(9) Cornwall/South West Activists(3) Gardening Tools(20) Green Building(30) Health Issues(16) Low impact living(30) Other Environmental(20) Other Green Groups(10) Spiritual(11) Sustainable living(30) Wildcraft(12) Yoga(6)
Orginisations types:Academic(9) Campaining(4) Charities(17) City Farms/Community Gardens(6) Co-ops(10) Collective(8) Communities(16) Eco-villages(13) Govenmental(3) Networks(10) NGO(9) Non Profit Groups(22) Political(2) Quango(2)
Activities:Apprenticeships(8) Confrences(7) Consultancy(13) Journal/Newsletter(13) Networking(17) Open To Public(23) Research(12) Run Courses(31) Talks(13) Training(15) Volunteering(26)
Comercial Activities:Books Stores/Publishers(13) Buisness services(10) Farmers Markets(7) Garden Design(11) Gardening Tools(20) Herb/Medicinal Suppliers(12) Individual books(6) Other commercial(13) Plant Suppliers(22) Plant Suppliers (Organic) (10) Seed Suppliers(10) Sustainable plant products(6)
Resources:Blogs(10) Botanical Information(20) Directories/Listings(39) Ethnobotany(12) Flora(14) Litrature review(2) Mailing lists/Forums(18) News Sites(15) Photo Gallerys(38) Plant Databases(35) recipe site(8) Wiki(6)
CountryUK (England)(80) United States(21) Canada(7) Australia(6) Portugal(3) India(3) Thailand(3) UK (Scotland)(2) UK (Wales)(2) Denmark(2) Serbia and Montenegro(2) Germany(2) Spain(2) Indonesia(2) Malaysia(2) Brazil(2) Ireland(1) UK (Nothern Ireland)(1) Finland(1) Ukraine(1) France(1) Italy(1) China(1) The Gambia(1) Belize(1)
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Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

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