Thatch roof owners, Thatching Information, for anyone responsible for the upkeep or interest in thatched property

Written & maintained by an independent master thatcher with over 45 years experience of both thatching and living in a thatched house

I hope this site will help you to avoid any expensive mistakes. I am semi retired so have no financial interest in thatching now, I do not act as an agent for anyone, No adverts here, all you will find for sale is my thatching book demonstration details and home visit costs - all clearly priced, 'sales' help keep this site independent

Shortage of straw over the last two years - there have been many reports in the press lately about availability of wheat straw for long straw and combed wheat reed, I suggest that you also see the East Anglia Master Thatchers Association view of the situation

Approximately the  number of thatched buildings in England decreased from one million in 1800 to 35,000 by 1960 due mainly to mechanisation and transport enabling other materials to be used. Today there are around 24,000 listed thatched buildings in the United Kingdom some 5% new build and 1500 individuals engaged in thatching

If you want on site unbiased advice on your roof, or advice prior to purchase involving thatch that cannot be answered free by email see  Trouble Shooting /Surveys  you will also find my address, phone, & email details here

Short YouTube thatching video now available just click the > below to play, double click on it while playing will move you to the YouTube site


Due to the compressed format used by Youtube it is not very clear and depending on your PC takes an age to load, It does at least give an idea of what happens

Click on item for more details                                      Summary of contents

Apprenticeship An idea of what to expect, an independent view
Care of Thatch Does and don'ts, fire precautions, conservation, new work
Chimney Fire Specific information on chimney's & more general fire / safety advice 
Constitution Sample of what most county Thatcher's association's expect from members
Contract A specimen thatching contract
DIY Book for sale DIY thatching booklet for small projects & a source of ready thatched small roof's & sections
Dolls House A few photo's of very small scale
Forum A link to yahoo groups thatch forum
Glossary We do use some strange terms in thatching, find what they mean
Guest Book  / Sales & Wants Sales & Wants Section, materials, supply of tools services ect. Thatchers Fleabay!
Hazel Coppice A brief description of hazel
Heather (Broom) thatch in Spain Teitos en Asturias A description with photo's of "Thatching with Green Broom in Spain"  By Prof. Carmen Menendez , Escuela  Tecnica  Superior de Arquitectura - Madrid
Hollowell DIY long straw roof An account of a community long straw thatching project by non thatchers, it is not brain surgery after all - with photo's (external link to )
Links to Other Thatchers Other web sites that may be of interest, Country, County and materials.
Literature  Titles of publications and thatch related articles 
Listing - Grants A very simplified outline of historic building listing, conservation & VAT - Grant aid
Materials Information on aspects of production of thatching materials
Members of Rutland & Leic Master Thatchers Up to date list of names and contact details for this professional thatchers body covering the midlands,  surrounding area's and overseas, all are vetted for expertise and working practises. 
Moss Growth Moss and other growths on your roof. Accessing your thatched roof
New Build Article on Norfolk Reed thatching of new property
Norfolk Reed  History of past and present husbandry and relevant information
Northants Specific information on the 'wattle and daub' thatch from the past
Old Forms of Thatching New ongoing Item about the history of thatch & types, a basic view - input welcome
Plans   Wood work for thatching & some detail
Photo Pages A few before and after photo's and the more unusual projects
Requests  Emails from suppliers, possible customers, sales - wants
Ridge   Simplified plan of the thatch and ridge construction
Spark Arrester  Suggestion for a chimney top spark arrester 
Specifications Detailed Specifications for Thatching
Straw   Brief type and husbandry details for wheat
Tools    Drawings and uses of thatching tools
Trouble Shooting and hands on help Surveys  demonstrations If you have a thatching problem, thinking of buying, or need un biased on site advice or a roof survey of a thatched property, from �. If I can answer by email - free. Property from a chicken house to �500.00 mansion have been been covered. Talks, materials, tools, workshops & demonstrations organised for events,  country shows, or your organisation
Woodwork  Details mainly on Tudor period but applicable to many younger houses
I am fed up with Spam ! - sorry you will have to type this in to your send your mail,  please also include anywhere in your subject the term thatch my spam blocker will find this and make sure I get it

The three main thatching materials are Combed Wheat Reed, Long Straw and Norfolk Reed. Not only are these materials applied differently, various features on the roof and local techniques will mean that application methods and material selection will be different according to the area of the country. Ideally your thatcher should be local, or at least able to maintain these variations, they should know local conditions and construction methods.

Even if your property does not fall within the official listing of historic property it is suggested that you consult your local council conservation officer for a list of local thatcher's and advice but do not solely rely on it. Make sure that you ascertain that the thatching firm is competent to carry out the work yourself.

Preferably they should be a member of one of the Thatching County Associations, Although it must be pointed out that thatchers cannot even agree to a truly national body most of these do have standards for members and some, Like the Rutland & Leicestershire have dispute procedures

When you get two or three thatcher's to estimate, ask them for examples of thatching they have done similar to your thatched roof you can see, not just recently completed ones as even a poor thatched roof will look good for a short time. No legitimate thatcher is going to object, all reputable ones would be delighted that you have taken the trouble.

 Make sure that you have a physically measurable specification in the estimate, not only will this provide further evidence of competence (see sample basic estimate) if there is a dispute, both sides have a physically measurable base line. Also see Specifications for more detail, your estimate may not follow these and a good reason may exist, ask why.

Unfortunately there are a few 'cowboys' among so called thatcher's.  For example the term "Master Thatcher" is frequently used  but now does not necessarily  imply any expertise. There are cases of thatchers falsely claiming membership of various organisations and even false organisations. It is also essential to check your thatcher has public liability insurance, the 'cowboy' invariably will not have any. It is your property at risk.

A genuine thatcher will always be prepared to explain and detail in writing any proposed work. Some excellent thatchers are extremely eccentric, It is a craft that attracts us, so be prepared for the unusual. The 'cowboy' element is small including enthusiastic amateurs, don't help them. Also remember that you will have to 'live' with your thatcher for the duration of the work!  

Would you accept an estimate "To do a garden" without knowing exactly what work was to be done, far too many accept "To thatch your roof in straw" for several thousand pounds, it is unfortunately a case of let the buyer beware if you do so.

There are internet sites offering membership of thatch oriented groups, insurance schemes, services and surveying, again some of these do not have any expertise or interest in the thatched roof, just your money. Check for the obvious like no personal name and address shown, PO Box numbers and just mobile phone contacts. Compare insurance quotes for thatch with main line companies as well,  it may be time consuming but financially rewarding for you!

You may well have to wait up to 2 years to have major work done, apart from unexpected cancellation or delay on a contract few thatching firms are going to be able start immediately unless of course two or three roofs are being thatched at the same time with consequent delays to yours. Thatching is also more competitive than you may think. Don't be panicked into accepting possible inferior work, temporary repairs will keep you dry if the worst happens. Despite today's 'immediate' society you will just have to go with the pace of our rural trade.

In the 40 or so years I have been involved with thatching I have seen thatchers increase in numbers from 200 to around 1,500, in the early days very few deliberately deceived, you got what you paid for, now with some so called thatching courses and other spurious thatch training schemes, franchising and recently sub contracting to mainly Eastern European 'thatchers' not to mention straightforward confidence tricksters care must be taken.

It takes 2 to 4 years to become a thatcher capable of undertaking the simplest roof, and this trained by a competent master of the craft. No one can claim to know every aspect, we are dealing with non standard property, and non standard materials.

We in the UK have the most diverse different styles of thatching in the world, and to the highest quality suitable for for all pitched roofs, the patterned ridge is unique to Britain, newly built property is now becoming popular with an almost unlimited scope for in particular sweeping lines impossible to attain with other conventional roofing systems. Initial advice as to the feasibility of your project will be free from me

Please inform yourself as much as possible, I live in a thatched property myself - as a thatcher and owner I know some of the problems that can arise.  If you have a problem not covered on this site, email me at  no cost to you. Professional on site reports & surveys are carried out by me in person at minimum cost. Also help with small projects See survey To maintain impartiality I am not willing to recommend individuals or  firms

Although I do not normally advertise I am making an exception for The Thatched Croft, a chance to test run a thatched Scottish croft as a holiday let, see survey

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