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  Philadelphia Main Line Tree Service

Let Arader Tree Service take care of all your tree care needs. Serving the Philadelphia Main Line area for more than 35 years, Arader Tree Service, Inc. is committed to giving your plants, trees and shrubs the care that they need to increase their healthy, lifespan and beauty, as well as add value to your home.

Arader Tree Service provides superior value and committed, reliable and professional Tree, Landscape and Plant Healthcare services for Residential and Commercial Properties in the Main Line Philadelphia area.

Arader Tree experts perform a thorough evaluation of your property to determine your tree care needs. You can take advantage of our Plant Health Care program at any time; however, spring is the best time to take preventive measures that could be costly in terms of the health of your trees and in their repair.

Emergency Tree Service in Philadelphia Arader Tree Services include:

Arader Tree Service is proud of its president Chris Arader who was recently named a board member in the Garrett-Williamson Foundation. Visit Arader in the Community for more info.

Main Line Philadelphia Plant Healthcare Arader Tree Service is the lead sponsor for Kites: Art Takes Flight with the Main Line Art Center. The Art Center joins organizations all over the Philadelphia region, such as The Franklin Institute, The Academy of Natural Sciences and many more, in commemorating the 300th birthday of Benjamin Franklin with these high flying creations.

Philadelphia Emergency Tree Service

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